The Spanish Language Blog

Spain is known for its vibrant nightlife until early in the morning. It starts later in the evening over dinner in a tapas bar or restaurant and then it's time for a drink. After that, the real party can begin until deep into the night! Of course, in Spain every occasion is considered a party!

Hotspots for going out

Spanish Fiestas

In Spain there are many holidays ´fiestas´ that are celebrated extensively. The Spanish fiestas are great fun to visit. Spaniards make a party out of everything, so when it is really festive you don't know what you are experiencing! There are many national holidays every year, but many cities or areas have their own. Spanish parties and fiestas are celebrated extensively in all cities and towns with lots of food and drink and often bands. There are also many traditional activities, depending on what holiday it is and what area. People are constantly outside and enjoying themselves together with their friends and family.

Before partying, of course, there must be food. Spaniards love to eat, and then eat a lot. They can dine for hours together, at home or somewhere in a restaurant and enjoy themselves with friends and family (make up something else for it, is also exactly the same in the paragraph above). One of the Spanish habits is to drink beer or wine with a meal. They also often drink sangria. When it is time to party, it is fun to first go to the shot bars "chupiterías" to start with shots of "chupitos" . After that, the clubs are visited until the early hours of the morning!

Hotspots for going out

There are many bars and pubs in Spain where you can spend the nights but of course there are also the real club lovers. Hence a small overview of the places with the best clubs.

The coastal towns that are very popular are: Lloret de Mar, Salou, Blanes, Malgrat de Mar. These places are full of tourists in summer, especially young people. They come to these areas to party every day and recover on the beach the next day. In summer it is full of parties with famous DJs. There are different styles in the clubs and bars so there is something for everyone.

The Spanish islands are also known for their clubs, especially the party island of Ibiza. Many international DJs come here every year. The chicest clubs are located here and it is more for people who have more money. Nevertheless, many young people also go there to party, some even for a few days. Of course, it is as expensive as you make it. Entrance and drinks in the clubs can be quite expensive and often there is a strict door policy. The island of Mallorca is super popular among young people for partying, and the Canary Islands also have many entertainment venues.

The big cities like Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia have many choices when it comes to going out. From small bars to mega big clubs with multiple halls or floors. If you take a city trip to one of these cities, it is definitely worth visiting a few clubs as well!

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