If you are traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, it is essential to know the medical Spanish vocabulary in case of an emergency or incident. You may get sick, must visit the doctor or need to go to the emergency room, you must know how to explain to the professionals what has happened or where it hurts.

That's why in this donQuijote post you will learn the essential medical Spanish vocabulary you need for your next trip, to expand your knowledge of the language or out of pure curiosity if you are learning Spanish. Keep reading and don't miss anything!

You can read this same post in Spanish or French.

Medical Spanish words

First, you should know medical Spanish terms that are used to call or appeal to professionals in the field:

  • Doctor/a (Doctor/ Physician)
  • Enfermera/o (Nurse)
  • Hospital (Hospital)
  • Ambulancia (Ambulance)
  • Sala de espera (Waiting room)
  • Urgencias (Emergency Room)
  • Síntomas (Symptoms)
  • Enfermedad (Illness)

These are just some of the most common words that are commonly used when it comes to medical personnel and their workplace. But, if you want to dig deeper into the symptoms, these medical Spanish words will be of great use to you:

  • Accidente (Accident)
  • Alergia (Allergy)
  • Ampolla (Blister)
  • Análisis de sangre (Blood test)
  • Análisis de orina (Urinalysis)
  • Depresión (Depression)
  • Deshidratación (Dehydration)
  • Diarrea (Diarrhea)
  • Dolor (Pain)
  • Dolor de cabeza (Headache)
  • Dolor de garganta (Sore throat)
  • Dolor de estómago (Stomach pain)
  • Dolor lumbar (Lumbar pain)
  • Estreñimiento (Constipation)
  • Fatiga (Fatigue)
  • Fiebre (Fever)
  • Fractura (Fracture)
  • Gripe (Flu/Influenza)
  • Hemorragia (Hemorrhage)
  • Infección (Infection)
  • Intoxicación (Intoxication)
  • Mareo (Dizziness)
  • Medicina (Medicine)
  • Moratón (Bruise)
  • Nauseas (Nausea)
  • Pastillas (Pills)
  • Picadura (Stinging)
  • Picazón (Itching)
  • Quemadura (Burn)
  • Sangre (Blood)
  • Sarpullido (Rash)
  • Tensión alta/baja (High/low blood pressure)
  • Termómetro (Thermometer)
  • Tirita (Band-aid)
  • Tos (Cough)
  • Vacuna (Vaccine)
  • Virus (Virus)
  • Vómitos (Vomiting)

On the other hand, you may need to know some specific medical Spanish terms, especially if you suffer from a specific disease and need to explain it to a professional. Here are some of those medical Spanish words:

  • Artritis (Arthritis)
  • Arritmia (Arrhythmia)
  • Asma (Asthma)
  • Cáncer (Cancer)
  • Diabetes (Diabetes)
  • Dificultad respiratoria (Respiratory distress)
  • Hipertensión o hipotensión arterial (Hypertension or arterial hypotension)
  • Inflamación (Inflammation)
  • Irritación (Irritation)
  • Infección bacteriana (Bacterial infection)
  • Ictus (Stroke)
  • Migraña (Migraine)
  • Neumonía (Pneumonia)
  • Osteoartritis (Osteoarthritis)
  • Parálisis (Paralysis)
  • Resfriado (Cold)
  • Septicemia (Sepsis)
  • Trombosis (Thrombosis)

In case you have an accident and need to explain to the doctor what has happened, these words will help you communicate your situation:

  • Golpearse la cabeza (Hitting your head)
  • Sangrar (Bleeding)
  • Romperse un hueso (Breaking a bone)
  • Accidente de coche (Car accident)
  • Cortarse (Cutting)
  • Desmayarse (Fainting)
  • Caerse (Falling)
  • Lesión/lesionarse (Injury)
  • Torcerse un tobillo (Twisting an ankle)
  • Herida (Wound)
  • Vendaje (Bandage)

Once you have explained the situation, and the doctors and nurses know how to treat you, these words about medicines will also clarify the diagnosis:

  • Antibiótico (Antibiotic)
  • Analgésico (Analgesic)
  • Anestesia (Anesthesia)
  • Aspirina (Aspirin)
  • Enalapril (Enalapril)
  • Insulina (Insulin)
  • Ibuprofeno (Ibuprofen)
  • Laxante (Laxative)
  • Omeprazol (Omeprazole)
  • Paracetamol (Paracetamol)
  • Penicilina (Penicillin)

Medical Spanish Phrases

Once you have assimilated the medical Spanish vocabulary, you must know how to formulate the necessary phrases so that the doctor or any health professional understands you. For that reason, here are some of the medical Spanish phrases that can help you if the doctor asks you questions or you must explain what is wrong with you:

  • Señale dónde le duele (Point to where it hurts)
  • Respire lentamente, cogiendo el aire por la nariz y expulsándolo por la boca (Breathe slowly, taking in air through your nose and expelling it through your mouth)
  • Levante la cabeza (Lift your head)
  • Abra la boca (Open your mouth)
  • Le voy a mirar los oídos (I'm going to look in your ears)
  • Voy a auscultarle el pecho (I'm going to listen to your chest)
  • Acuéstese en la camilla (Lie down on the stretcher)
  • Le voy a tomar la temperatura corporal (I'm going to take your body temperature)
  • Dígame si siente algún dolor en esta zona (Tell me if you feel any pain in this area)
  • Me duele la espalda/el brazo/la pierna… (My back/arm/leg hurts....)
  • Tengo dolor de cabeza/espalda/garganta/oídos… (I have a headache/back/throat/earache....)
  • No me encuentro bien (I do not feel well)
  • Me pitan los oídos (My ears are ringing)
  • ¿Toma alguna medicación? (Do you take any medication?)
  • ¿Cada cuánto debo tomarme el medicamento? (How often should I take my medication?)
  • He tenido un accidente (I have had an accident)
  • Tengo una herida en el brazo (I have an arm injury)
  • Tengo mareos (I have dizziness)
  • Me siento débil (I feel weak)
  • Tengo un poco de fiebre (I have a slight fever)

These are just some of the most used medical terms in Spanish, but there are many more, depending on the situation or state of health of each person. Even so, we hope this post will be helpful when you need to consult medical vocabulary in Spanish. Follow your adventure in the language and continue learning Spanish with donQuijote.

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