The Spanish Language Blog

Do you like to cook? The Mediterranean diet is known as one of the most healthy in the world, rich in nutrients and variety.

Even if you do not live in Spain, you can experience a large amount of typical dishes prepared at home.

This featured recipe is: Eggplant Millefeuille or Milhojas de Berenjena in Spanish. (recipe below)

"Millefeuille" is a French word which traditionally refers to a layered puff pastry. In this case, there are layers, but the plate is not a pastry.

A co-worker of mine and I both tried this dish at home, with our own variations. It was really yummy and as they say in Spanish "tenía una pinta estupenda" (It looked stupendous).

So I know what some of you may be thinking: Eggplant, Yuck! Yes I know, there are many vegetable haters in the world. However, I can assure you that a reknowned vegetable hater that I know (my husband!!) ate up the dish and said that it was good! So if that does not convince you then I do know know what will!

Try this REALLY easy recipe at home and let me know how it turns out. I used havarti cheese and shreded mozarella on top and my co-worker added sheets of lasagna.. so the possibilities are endless!

On the don Quijote website you can also find a library of Mediterranean recipes here.

Eggplant millefeuille

Ingredients (4 PEOPLE)

• 1 large eggplant
• 2 tomatoes
• Salt
• Pepper
• Some Basil leaves
• 4 slices of mozzarella cheese
• Extra virgin olive oil


Clean the eggplant and cut into fine slices. Clean and slice the tomatoes. Salt and pepper tomatoes and eggplant to taste.

Next, stack the eggplant layers as you see fit alternating cheese, basil and tomato slices between each one. Finish the stack with a slice of cheese and then place them on a baking sheet and spray with olive oil. Bake at 180º C / 356 º F for 20 minutes. Serve warm or hot.

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