The Spanish Language Blog

Cuba, also called the land of rum, salsa and cigars, is located in Latin America. The mainly Spanish-speaking country has a pleasant climate, great beaches, varied nature, ancient buildings and colorful bustling cities. Those who love music and dancing have come to the right place in Cuba. The variety of festivals, the vibrant city of Havana and the musical Santiago de Cuba will have you swinging.

Cubans can party like no other. On festival days between the crowds and the heat, Cubans enjoy the food and drink and music with each other and with tourists. They forget all the daily problems and dance day and night!

Festivals in Cuba
Swinging and enjoying Cuba during your vacation? Visit one of the events or festivals:

Semana Cultural
Once a year, culture week is celebrated in all Cuban provinces. Music, dance, arts, crafts and local cooking take center stage during this week.

Noche Plaza
Every month, usually on the third Saturday, the Noche Plaza festival takes place. Musicians from all over Cuba get you swinging in Havana's Plaza de la Catedral.

Romerías de Mayo
Every May, this traditional celebration is held in Cuba. It is a gathering of intellectuals and various cultural representatives from many countries. The capital of modern art, Holguín, is the site of this event every year.

Carnival Havana & Santiago de Cuba
Carnival is the biggest swinging festival in Havana. Nowadays, it is celebrated every August. In Santiago de Cuba, the lively Carnival festival is celebrated in late July. Central to the celebration are the colorful comparsas (street dances) and the overwhelming floats during the Cuban carnival. Not to be missed if you take a group trip to Cuba.

Varadero International Music Festival Cuba
In November, during this festival, opera companies, choirs and the National Symphony Orchestra give concerts along with visiting ensembles.

Havana International Jazz Festival
The Havana International Jazz Fesitval gives all jazz lovers the chance to see and hear the best jazz in the world. This Jazz tour is the best way to get acquainted with Cuban music, dance and culture.

Latin American international film festival
This film festival is one of the most highly regarded film festivals in the world. The festival showcases a wide assortment of audiovisual productions from across the continent.

Everywhere on Cuban streets, music is heard and salsa is danced. The combination of beach, culture and nature make Cuba the perfect destination for a trip or vacation.

Would you also like to swing in Cuba?
check out the Cuba group tours of SHOESTRING festival tours.

Create your own Cuba trip? Check out the travel site

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