
don Quijote で学ぶと言うことはただ言語を学ぶと言うことではありません。それは新しい文化に没入して、新しい環境に踏み入って、気楽な場所から抜け出して、新しい技能を習得し、新しい見解を広げると言うことです。私達のスペイン語プログラムは全て発見出来る旅行です。自分が本当に何に情熱を抱いているのか、どんな可能性を持っているのか、自分自身を発見しましょう。

don Quijoteの生徒がどんな一日を過ごしているのかちょっと覗いてみましょう。貴方にインスピレーションを与え、本当のスペイン語没入を垣間見ることが出来るでしょう。

  1. donquijote
  2. 学生生活

don Quijote Salamanca

Meet our student Kaella

don Quijote Valencia

Meet our student Kari

don Quijote Seville

Meet our student Giorgio

don Quijote Salamanca

Meet our student Numi

don Quijote Granada

Meet our student Veronika

don Quijote Alicante

Meet our student Lars

don Quijote Salamanca

Meet our student Derek

don Quijote Malaga

Meet our student Kate

don Quijote Seville

Meet our student Andrew

don Quijote Madrid

Meet our student Ayumi



今度は、初めてのサルサクラスに参加する予定です。とっても楽しみにしています。それに今週末にはダイビングをすることにしました。 待ちきれないほど楽しみです。もうメキシコから離れたくありません。」

スージー, 20 歳, don Quijote グアナファト校 と プラジャデルカルメン校 (インテンシブ 25)

「サラマンカでのスペイン語教師のためのプログラムの1日目を終えました。まず、サラマンカが素晴らしい所だと言うことは言うまでもありません。 この若いエネルギーで満ちた町に歴史的な建物、マヨール広場、カテドラルがミックスして調和のとれた美しい町です。もちろん、私自身スペイン語教師として、ヨーロッパでも一番有名な大学都市の一つである町で勉強することは最高です。


クラスメートはみんな、様々な国、文化の違う国から来たスペイン語の教師なのでとても楽しいです。 明日はdon Quijoteの先生のシャドーイングをする予定なので本当に楽しみにしています。スペイン語教師としてトレーニングを受けることが出来、私の生徒達にとってより良い教師になれることを自分自身に期待します。それから、素晴らしい文化体験もしています。自分の技能の改善をしていることも感じています。」

マーク, 35歳, don Quijote サラマンカ (スペイン語教師のためのプログラム)


クラスのあとは、テネリフェを探訪しました。大変美しい町です。ティデの山にも行き、そこの自然公園で景色を見るツアーをしました。学校が私達のために全てオーガナイズしてくれたので、ガイドに任せて苦労もなくツアーを楽しみました。 それから、料理クラス、踊りのクラスもあり、今晩はみんなで海岸でリラックスするつもりです。


マリー, 55歳, don Quijote テネリフェ (ゴールデンエイジのスペイン語)

Dear Spain,

I observed you as a typical guiri for quite some time, ordering sangria in bars, eating paella for dinner, and dancing passionately every time I heard “La camisa negra.” Thanks to don Quijote, now I can say that I’ve become an authentic extranjera who has adapted and goes out to have la primera at midnight and uses phrases like hombre, lo tienes chupao, and taluego. Thanks to Pedro, I also know which words are best to avoid.

You have taught me many things. Thanks for everything and I hope to see you soon! Keep being the best teachers in the world!

¡Un beso y un abrazo fuerte a todos!

Katrin, age 21, don Quijote Salamanca (Intensive 30 - homestay)

I had a very positive experience at don Quijote with Consuelo Defez Gomez as my teacher. As a retired teacher in the U.S., I’ve had many years of working with educators of all levels of competency.

Consuelo was an excellent teacher in all ways. She was able to assess my level of Spanish quickly and create opportunities for me to continually improve, while always keeping me challenged. She spoke clearly, encouraged me to correct errors I made, and helped me understand new vocabulary without changing into English. We spent several days in the classroom, and then she suggested exploring Madrid together ......the cafes, museums, vistas, etc., which made my learning even more meaningful. My communication continued to improve, as did my appreciation of the beautiful Spanish culture.

Consuelo’s outgoing personality, kindness and apparent love of her profession, all contributed to my motivating experience. I truly hope others Spanish learners are able to experience Consuelo as their teacher in the future.

Dolores, age 60, don Quijote Madrid (Private One-to-One classes)

In 2008 I spent a few weeks taking my first steps toward a better understanding of Spanish at don Quijote Valencia. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. After I graduated from university, I decided to do a master’s in translation in Cordoba, and today I’m working as a legal translator and expect to become a sworn translator soon. It all started with don Quijote, thanks a million.
P.S. When I go to Valencia I always go by Galileo Galilei for old times’ sake!

Petra, age 33, don Qujote Valencia (DELE Exam Preparation 20)

Excellent school, I've learned a lot about the culture and of course the language! I had signed up for private cooking classes and it was very special, I loved the food and the bond I created with my cooking teachers; Gloria y Sandra. Sandra was also my language teacher and she is the best!!!! Playa del Carmen was beautiful and lots to do, but most importantly I felt safe there. The excursions were awesome and we really got to experience the culture. I left with a heart full of joy and I would love to go back one day.

Nat, age 19, don Quijote Playa del Carmen (Gap Year Program)

I had the best experience ever with don Quijote in Playa del Carmen, Mexico! It’s been a year since I was there and I still think about it almost every day. The team at the Playa school is so incredibly kind and helpful — they helped me improve my Spanish immensely, they were always so full of great advice about the region and anything México related, and they’re super fun! The school itself is beautiful and it’s outdoors. The school tour guide Mauricio takes you on amazing trips around the beautiful Yucatan Peninsula. I met amazing people at the school who I’m still friends with and who I’ve traveled to visit again. I’ve also already gotten two friends to go study Spanish at don Quijote Playa del Carmen! I would 100% do this again. Gracias por todo, ¡espero volver!

Miruna, age 28, don Quijote Playa del Carmen (Intensive 25)

Amazing school! Extremely warm and helpful staff who try their best to make sure students are well taken care of, not only in the school but also in the city. Instructors are experienced, patient, effective, and friendly. don Quijote provides a very comfortable learning environment and is located in the center of the city. The school also organizes fun outings and language/ culture exchange activities to connect their students. I highly recommend don Quijote and Salamanca as a city to learn Spanish!

Fatima, age 40, don Quijote Salamanca (Super Intensive 30)

学生生活 1 学生生活 2 学生生活 3 Katrin dolores dQ madrid Petra Nat Miruna Fatima


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