National Parks of Spain | DonQuijote

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 02:00
National Parks of Spain For more information about the national parks in Spain - The Garajonay National Park, The Sierra Nevada National Park, The Monfragüe National Park. National Parks of Spain

Spain has an area of about 506,000 square kilometers with many natural parks scattered throughout the country. There are many natural parks in Spain that have been declared national parks. These parks in Spain are protected by the government who want to keep the flora and fauna intact with as little human interference as possible. All Spain's national parks are public. In total there are 14 national parks in Spain. There are 9 parks in the peninsula of Spain, 4 in the Canary Islands and 1 in the Balearic Islands. Below they are all briefly discussed one by one.

National Park in the Balearic Islands

The National Park del Archipiélago de Cabrera

The island of Cabrera is the only natural park in the Balearic Islands. This entire island is a national park. The peculiarity of this park is that most of it is underwater. An underwater world with beautiful corals, fish and sea turtles. 

National Parks in the Canary Islands

The Timanfaya National Park (Lanzarote)

Once in the natural park of Lanzarote, you imagine yourself in a ´moon´ landscape. The former lava allows the cultivation of special wine with a special taste. Parts of the movie Lord of the Rings were shot here. Walking through this national park is not allowed. 

The Garajonay National Park

Spain's national park called Garajonay covers an area of just under 4,000 hectares and is located on the island of La Gomera. The characteristics of this national park are its rare animal species and dense forests. There are 150 different insects alone that live only on this island.

The National Park de la Caldere de Taburiente (La Palma)

This national park is located on the island of La Palma. In this park you will find mountains, volcanoes and beautiful waterfalls and it has an area of 4,690 hectares.

The National Park del Teide (Tenerife)

The only national park created by a volcanic eruption. The island is surrounded by a volcanic landscape, and from a path among the volcanic rocks you have a beautiful view of the island.

National Parks on the Iberian Peninsula

The Picos de Europa National Park (Asturias, Castile and León and Cantabria)

Picos de Europa was Spain's first national park and is located in northern Spain. The park has long been characterized for its stunning landscapes of high mountains, deep valleys and dense forests. Since 1995, the park has expanded to 64,660 hectares and named “Picos de Europa,” this also because it is part of the Cantabrian Mountains. To this day, wild brown bears can still be found living in a unique flora and fauna.

The Coto de Doñana National Park (Andalusia)

This National Spanish Natural Park is located on the Atlantic Ocean in two provinces (Huelva and Seville) and at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River. No roads run through the natural park; the people who live here live naturally without modern amenities such as electricity. The park has an area of 50,720 hectares.

Sierra Nevada National Park (Granada)

This is the largest national park in Spain with an area of about 86,200 hectares. The name Sierra Nevada is also for the mountain range with mountains over 3,000 meters high. Because it is so southern, the flora and fauna is unique and you will find animal and plant species that are found nowhere else but in the Sierra Nevada.

Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park (Lerida-Cataluña)

The national park is located in the province of Lerida in northern Spain in the Pyrenees. This natural park in Spain is characterized by its many small mountain rivers and mountain lakes.

The Monfragüe National Park

Its name comes from the Latin Mons Fragorum and means “hollow mountain.” Park Monfragüe is the only national park in the region of Extremadura with an area of about 18,120 hectares. The Monfragüe park has been on UNESCO's World Heritage List since 2003.

The National Park de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia (Galicia)

This national park in Spain is the only one in the region of Galicia. It is a national park for all the islands lying off the Galician coast such as Ons, Cie, Cortegada and Sálvora. The park has a total area of about 8,500 hectares of which 1,200 are on land and 7,300 are in the sea.

Ordese y Monte Perdido National Park (Pyrenees)

This National Park in Spain has an area of 15,610 hectares. This park located in the Spanish part of the Pyrenees and has been on UNESCO's World Heritage List since 1997. Important features of this natural park are its snowy peaks and deep valleys, the highest peak is 3350 meters (Monte Perdido).

The Tablas de Damiel National Park (La Mancha)

With its nearly 2,000 hectares, this natural park of Spain located in the La Mancha region is a protected area for 180 different species of birds that rest here before migrating to warm places. In fact, the area is characterized as wet and rainy, perfect for waterfowl.

The Cabañeros National Park (Castilla la Mancha)

The Cabañeros Natural Park is surrounded by the mountains of Toledo in the regions of Ciudad Real and Toledo. The park has a mild Mediterranean climate (summers are dry and autumn precipitation is plentiful, winter will never be cold).
Spain For more information about the national parks in Spain - The Garajonay National Park, The Sierra Nevada National Park, The Monfragüe National Park. national parks of spain, monfrague, theme parks in spain, natural parks in spain, parks in spain Off <!-- Revive Adserver Etiqueta JS asincrónica - Generated with Revive Adserver v5.0.2 --><ins data-revive-zoneid="7" data-revive-id="ec923599c3fad9b044f22a6a73433428"></ins><script async src="//"></script> Merel Loomans

Mountains in Spain | donQuijote

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 02:00
Mountains in Spain Mountains in Spain. There are many mountains in Spain because Spain has a mountainous landscape so there are many areas where there are many mountain massifs. mountains spain

There are many mountains in Spain because Spain has a mountainous landscape so there are many areas where there are many mountain massifs. The largest and most famous mountains in Spain are the Pyrenees, the Castilian Range, the Iberian Ridge Mountains, the Betic Cordillera, the Sierra Nevada and the Cantabrian Mountains. We must not forget the island of Tenerife with the highest mountain in Spain. In most Spanish mountain areas, you can practice mountain sports for both cycling and skiing.

Most Spanish mountains were created because the African Plate (Africa) collided with the Eurasian Plate (Europe). This "collision" is very slow and started more than 100 million years ago and continues until today.

Spanish Plateau

Spain consists almost of three-quarters central plateau (meseta) with an altitude between 600 and 1,000 meters. In the central plateau lies Madrid, aka the highest capital city in all of Europe. The only lowlands of Spain are in the south and are called the Andalusian lowlands.


The Pyrenees are a border mountain range between France (6 French departments) and Spain (4 Spanish regions). The dwarf state of Andorra lies entirely in this border region. The highest mountain is Mount Aneto at 3404 meters altitude, located in northeastern Aragon. The mountain range has a length of about 430 kilometers and was started by a collision between the Iberian Peninsula and the European Continent some 50 million years ago until today. In the Pyrenees you can also practice many mountain sports such as hiking, cycling and skiing.

Castilian Ranges

The Castilian Divide mountain range runs some 600 km from east to west inland, along the southern border of Castile and León into Portugal. The mountain range also contains two major rivers called the Tagus and the Duero. Within the mountain range there are several smaller chains, called Sierras in Spanish. The two most famous and largest mountain ranges are the Sierra de Guadarrama and the Sierra de Gredos. The Sierra de Guadarrama is located on the border of Castile and León and Madrid. The highest mountain peak here is the Peñalara at 2430 meters. It is also a popular area for mountain sports because of relatively flat peaks. So this is ideal for hiking and biking in Spain. The Sierra de Gredos is a relatively unknown mountain range with lots of flora and fauna located west of Madrid. Here the Pico Almanzor is the highest mountain at 2592 meters.

Iberian fringe mountains

Located in the heart of Spain, the Iberian fringe mountain range runs from northwest to southeast with a length of about 450 kilometers. Like the Castilian Range, the Iberian fringe mountain range consists of smaller chains (sierras). We can divide the Iberian Border Mountains into 3 parts. First, the highest part is the Sierra de la Demanda (with the San Lorenzo as the highest mountain at 2264 meters) and the Sierra de Moncayo (with the Moncayo as the highest mountain at 2314 meters). Second, the middle section, which is a lot flatter than the highest part. To the west of the middle section begins the Castilian Divide Mountains and the Iberian Ridge Mountains. Finally the south, which is higher again. Here are the Sierra de Albarracín, the Serranía de Cuenca and many more. The mountain range ends at the coast in the region of Valencia.

Betic Cordillera

The Betian Cordillera or also called Cordillera Bética is a collective name for the mountain ranges in northern Morocco and southern Spain. The other chains (sierras) are called more by their proper names by the locals. The Cordillera is an arc that runs east to west and west to east and crosses via the Strait of Gibraltar before continuing into northern Morocco.

Sierra Nevada

The Sierra Nevada is one of the most famous mountains in Spain in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia. The Mulhacen, the highest mountain in mainland Spain at 3482 meters, is located in this mountain range. After the Alps, the Mulhacen is the highest mountain in all of Western Europe. Here are slopes suitable for skiing at Monachil, Guejar Sierra and Dilar. One can combine a summer vacation here with skiing and other mountain sports, since they are not far from each other. Sierra Nevada means "snowy mountain range" in Spanish.

Cantabrian Mountains

The Cantabrian Mountains are located in northwestern Spain and are about 300 km long. The Torre de Cerredo is the highest mountain in this area, with 2648 meters of altitude, located in the Picos de Europa (sierra). With a small area, the Picos de Europa nevertheless has many varied landscapes from a rocky desert to fertile vineyards at the base of these snow-capped peaks. The Cantabrian Mountains are known for the many mountain sports with many climbing and hiking opportunities and even for the ski area where skiing can be done in winter in Alto Campoo, Valgrande-Pajares and Manzaneda. On the northern slopes of the Cantabrian Mountains much rain comes frontally, this creates a contrast between the green north and the dry south, since the south is shaded.


However, the highest mountain in Spain, Pico del Teide, is located on the island of Tenerife. The Pico del Teide is also the largest volcano on the island and is 3718 meters above sea level. The volcano's last eruption was in 1909, but it is considered "dormant." The "Parque Nacional del Teide" with nearly 19,000 hectares has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2007. Also on Tenerife are the Teno Mountains to the west and the Anaga Mountains to the east.

Spain Mountains in Spain. There are many mountains in Spain because Spain has a mountainous landscape so there are many areas where there are many mountain massifs. spanish mountains, spanish famous mountains, mountains in spain, mountain sports in spain, mountain bike tours in spain, sierra nevada, teide, betische cordillera, iberian fringe mountains, pyrenees, spanish plateau Off <!-- Revive Adserver Etiqueta JS asincrónica - Generated with Revive Adserver v5.0.2 --><ins data-revive-zoneid="7" data-revive-id="ec923599c3fad9b044f22a6a73433428"></ins><script async src="//"></script> Merel Loomans

7 reasons to love Spain

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/05/2005 - 02:00
7 reasons to love Spain

Ambience: Spain is perfect for relaxing. People do it all the time. Before work, bars & cafes are filled with people sipping their "cafes con leche" (coffee with milk) enjoying their mornings. In the mid-afternoon they take their lunch breaks, or "siestas", and enjoy a leisurely couple-hour long break eating then either napping, chatting with friends, or catching up on some shopping. After work and the errands are run, it is time for a "cafe" or a "cerveza" (beer) outside of one of the local cafes with friends or family. ¡Salud!

People: You will be surprised to find out just how very genuinely nice the Spanish are. So kind and friendly, they are quick to accommodate as if you were a guest in their own home. It is a very attractive feature while away from home!

Food: Where to begin? This subject alone could comprise its own article! The basics you have to associate yourself with are the following: paella, tortillas, flan. Paella is a mouthwatering rice dish made with seafood or chicken and vegetables simmered in a pan with a savory sweet sauce. Tortillas are similar to omelettes. You can add ham, cheese, or vegetables except it is made in a round pan and cut into slices like a cake. Flan is a sweet custard dessert topped with caramel. These are just a few of the more popular treats Spain has in store for you.

Beaches: This is literally and figuratively the hot spot in not just Spain, but Europe. The sparkling white sand and delicious emerald-blue Mediterranean waters are huge tourist havens for Spanish and Europeans alike. Basking underneath the powerful summer sun with the occasional cool dip in the sea makes for a very relaxing day.

Nightlife: The club scene is unparralled in this Iberian party capital. Ibiza, Mallorca, Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, and the Canary Islands are infamous for keeping partygoers out until their neighbors are heading off to work the next morning. It´s really quite amusing at how conducive these cities are in making everyone´s "party animal" come out. International celebrities frequent Ibiza and Mallorca for that very reason. If you are up to the challenge of partying with the best, then Spain is your place to be!

Art: Spain has a wide variety of art exhibits to offer those with a passion for aesthetics. First off, world reknowned museums El Prado and La Reina Sofia are located in the heart of the Spain, Madrid. Toledo has one of the oldest and most breathtaking cathedrals in Spain along with the former house-turned museum of El Greco. In Barcelona Gaudi reigns with his Sagrada Familia Cathedral that scrapes the sky with his signature, unconventional style of architecture. Just outside of Barcelona is the Salvador Dali Museum, constructed with the same peculiarity of the artist himself. Everything is truly a sight to see. So you have to plan accordingly to get them all in!

Soccer: It is a daunting task to convey in words the absolute fever Spaniards have for futbol. (soccer) It is almost as if the Spaniards have two nationalities. The first of course, is being a Spaniard. However, the second comes in at a close second, whether or not the person is a Real Madrid fan or an FC Barcelona fan. You could start a bar fight by whipping out lighter with the Barcelona logo on it in Madrid! It is fascinating the effect when a nation consolidates their sports fanatacism onto one sport! For which one will you root?

Spain 7 reasons to love Spain Students,Travel,Spain Off <!-- Revive Adserver Etiqueta JS asincrónica - Generated with Revive Adserver v5.0.2 --><ins data-revive-zoneid="7" data-revive-id="ec923599c3fad9b044f22a6a73433428"></ins><script async src="//"></script> Paqui
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