Doing a job or internship in Spain is a great way to practice your Spanish in a real Spanish-speaking environment. Your CV (curriculum) and cover letter (carta de presentación) are key to helping you get the job that you want, so here are a few tips on how to put them together and some vocabulary that you might find useful:
Datos personales
The first section of your CV should be 'Datos Personales' (Personal Information). It’s best to include:
- Nombre: Name
- Dirección: Address
- Teléfono: Telephone
- E-mail: Email address
- Fecha y lugar de nacimiento: Date and place of birth
- Nacionalidad: Nationality
You could also include whether you have a 'carnet de conducir' (driver’s licence) and your estado civil (marital status).
It is also common in Spain to include a professional looking passport photo on your CV.
Formación académica
The next section is 'Formación académica' (Education). Write the qualification you received, the institution, the city and country, as well as the dates when you were studying there.
Afterwards you can also add a section on 'Formación complementaria' (Complementary training) for other qualifications you may have, although don’t include computer skills or languages as these will come later.
Experiencia profesional
Next is 'Experiencia profesional' (Work Experience). List the dates, the job you did, the company and the location.
In the 'Informática' (IT skills) section state what you can use and how competent you are.
Similarly, under the heading 'Idiomas' (Languages) you can state each language that you know and your level, i.e. básico (basic), intermedio (intermediate) or avanzado (advanced). You can learn more about Spanish language levels here. It’s also worth putting your 'lengua materna' (mother tongue).
Datos de interés
The final section is 'Otros datos de interés' (Additional Information), where you can put down anything you think is interesting to the employer but doesn’t fit into any other category. Don’t write too much though, as the whole CV should ideally fit onto one A4 page.
Write a cover letter
An important accompaniment to the CV is the cover letter (carta de presentación).
Start your letter with 'Estimados Señores', remembering to put the date and your address at the top of the letter. There are also other options for starting a letter, depending on how formal you want to be.
You should start by stating exactly which post you are applying for and how you found out about it in the first paragraph.
Next move on to explaining why you would like to work for the company or organisation and what assets and skills you think you have that would make you good at the job. Express interest in having an interview or further contact with the employer and state your availability for work.
There are various ways to end a letter in Spanish, but a good one to use is 'Les saluda atentamente', on a separate line, then sign and print your name underneath.
For more ideas for your cover letter and some great business vocab on how to sell yourself, take a look at our Spanish courses designed for professionals.
¡Buena suerte!