San José is the gateway to the paradises and History of Costa Rica. There is not a more ideal place than this one for those who wish to experience the fusion of landscapes that this country offers. Those interested in architecture will find multiple references that show the different civilizations that have passed through and those who are passionate about nature will have the perfect opportunity to visit one of its many natural parcs where one of the greatest biodiversities in the planet is found. Idyllic beaches, volcanos and a wide range of sport offers will be at your disposal just a few kilometres away and form the perfect combination that attracts so many people in the country of "ticos".
学习西班牙语 在 聖荷西这个中美洲国家也以其丰富多样的植物和动物而闻名,这些动植物居住在国家大公园里受到严格的保护。事实上,哥斯达黎加超过25%的土地受到国家公园和保护区系统的保护。让人们有幸生活在大自然中,或参与一些户外活动体验原生态的自然环境;观看在海滩上惬意晒太阳的海龟;与友人相依偎看夕阳西下。
哥斯达黎加的海滩和公园,是他们国家最大的资产。而当地人又非常友好和热情,所有这一切反映了他们的非官方的国家座右铭:pura vida(“纯正地享受生活”),表达了当地人永恒的乐观主义的情感。在哥斯达黎加不管是繁华的都市还是小镇,都充满活力和友好的正能量。从首都的圣何塞、文化中心,到Limón,一个充满加勒比风味的城市正极力向你展示它的丰富多彩。快报名参加我们堂吉诃德的西班牙语课程吧,让我们带领你沉浸在哥斯达黎加的西班牙语文化中。