
Submitted by admin on Mon, 01/23/2017 - 18:21

Attending a Spanish program in Granada is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in deep Andalusian history, tradition and academic excellence. You can choose from any of our Spanish learning programs, and study surrounded by exotic beauty and stunning landscapes

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Submitted by admin on Mon, 01/23/2017 - 11:35


Our Junior program is designed for students ages 14-17 who are looking to see the world and have an unforgettable, formative experience. Our junior students not only learn Spanish language, but also culture and history thanks to our academically-excellence school network. Students also learn invaluable intercultural and interpersonal skills that will serve them well into their coming academic or professional endeavors. 


Our dynamic and fully-supervised program is all-inclusive: students will take Spanish classes, receive full board accommodation and engage in exciting cultural activities. Choose from four destinations in Spain and send your teens off on a once-in-a-lifetime Spanish language adventure. Watch them grow and excel as they learn Spanish and discover local Spanish culture... and then as they come  home as more mature, independent and open-minded young adults! With various start dates throughout the year, students are guaranteed to love their formative and authenthic cultural immersion journey. 

On On On

Cozy up to Madrid this November

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 11/10/2016 - 01:00
Madrid: study Spanish in a friendly place November is a beautiful and stimulating month to study Spanish. Find out how to enjoy autumn in Madrid and all that the city has to offer. Cozy up to Madrid this November

If you're interested in studying Spanish in Madrid with don Quijote this winter, you're in for a unique spectacle. With the cool temperatures of autumn, the city enjoys a charming transformation: the air becomes crisp, t-shirts and sandals are put away and give way to sophisticated coats and boots, many dishes, comforting and warm, and the urban vegetation is tinged with vivid reds, oranges and yellows. Apart from the typical seasonal changes, Madrid also offers fun events during this season. So take your Spanish learning experience out of the classroom and pay attention to our guide of the best things to do this November in Madrid.

Madrid in November

Let the weather guide your stomach

Let's start with everyone's favorite topic: food! Spanish gastronomy is known for its long tradition of seasonal dishes, tapas and drinks (just try to find a person who drinks gazpacho in winter, we dare you!). The weather, so cool, is perfect for comer con cuchara (eating with a spoon) and, as Spaniards, a good, healthy cocido madrileño. The city's most famous, cocido madrileño, is cooked with garbanzo (chickpeas), vegetables and meat. Other hot and traditional dishes in Madrid are callos (yes, they're beef intestines, but trust us... they're delicious!) and garlic soup.


Another dish you must try is the famouscochinillode Segovia. Just an hour from Madrid, the city of Segovia will surprise you with its medieval beauty and, after a great walk, you can calm your stomach with this local specialty. And if you want your gastronomic route to go one step further, why not make a reservation at Casa Botín? Recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest restaurant in the world, Casa Botín was founded in 1725 and its specialties are typically madrilenians and Castellan dishes.

And, of course, don't forget to try the churros con chocolate, which are considered part of a typical breakfast in Spain... Because there's no better way to start a cold winter day than with churros and a good cup of chocolate.

churros con chocolate

Enjoy unique gastronomic festivals

November is a month of events and festivals in Madrid, designed to satisfy all palates. If you are a jazz lover, for example, you will love the International Jazz Festival that takes place throughout the month. This festival will not only offer you more than 100 musical performances, but also jazz-related discussions, film screenings and exhibitions. On the other hand, the Madrid en Danza festival starts on November 18 and stands out for its innovative aesthetics and its commitment to international and local dance.

Jazz festival

For foodies, there is MadrEAT, an outdoor gastronomic market where you will have at your disposal more than 20 vans specialized in gourmet food and craft beer. MadrEAT takes place in the gardens of AZCA during the third weekend of November. Finally, for those with more diverse interests, Madrid also hosts Science Week (Nov. 7-20) and Madrid Horse Week (Nov. 27-27). Never seen a horse show? Why not do it this month?


Get out into nature

Madrid parks

Just because temperatures have dropped doesn't mean outdoor activities end. With the change in vegetation, areas of Madrid such as Retiro Park are transformed into a spectacular paradise of copper and golden colors. So why not take a bike or the metro and discover all the beauty of the city? In addition to the Retiro Park, you can visit others such as the Parque del Oeste, the Sabatini Gardens or the Dehesa de la Villa (former hunting ground of King Alfonso VII). The Casa de Campo is another gem: because it is the largest park in Madrid and because it houses the Parque de Atracciones and the Madrid Zoo. The park also organizes guided tours and walks.

Here it is! If you are studying Spanish in Madrid this year, don't let it go by without discovering all the beauty, culture and fun that the city has to offer!

Spain Madrid November is a beautiful and stimulating month to study Spanish. Find out how to enjoy autumn in Madrid and all that the city has to offer. Off <!-- Revive Adserver Etiqueta JS asincrónica - Generated with Revive Adserver v5.0.2 --><ins data-revive-zoneid="7" data-revive-id="ec923599c3fad9b044f22a6a73433428"></ins><script async src="//ads.iegrupo.com/www/delivery/asyncjs.php"></script> alison.chou

Art and architecture in Valencia | donQuijote

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/26/2016 - 02:00
Art and architecture in Valencia don Quijote has a new school in Valencia! We'll show you all of the art that can be found there. Art and architecture in Valencia

If you come to learn Spanish in Valencia you’ll find our new, stunning donQuijote school waiting for you. It is a beautiful new location with 18 modern and spacious classrooms, large courtyards, terraces and gardens where you can relax between and after classes.

The school is located right in the heart of the city on Calle de Cadirers. So, besides being located in an excellent area that is well conntected with the rest of the city, the beach and beautiful parks, it is also found in the most historic part of Valencia. To give you an idea of just how historic the area is our new building was a Gothic Palace built in the 15th century and was the city's former Círculo de Bellas Arts (Fine Art Center). If its walls could talk, they would tell a thousand stories about the city, its culture, history and art!

It is an impressive, majestic building but at the same time, it is also very welcoming. You'll feel right at home while studying Spanish there... And you'll find treasures of Valencian art throughout the school! For example, if you find yourself learning Spanish with us in this beautiful school, take a good look at the stairs while you walk up to your classes. Did you know that the little column you find at the start could be the work of Pere Compte, the architect of the famous and beautiful Lonja de la seda?

Journey into Valencia's Golden Age

It’s not that far-fetched... after all the Lonja de la seda, an example of Valencian Gothic architecture, is only a three minutes' walk from the school! It’s true, as soon as you finish class you can walk to this incredible building that is as grand as a cathedral. Built between the 15th and 16th century, it was dedicated to the activity of the increasingly influential Valencian bourgeoisie. Its wide nave, its twisting columns, high ceilings and the hidden messages found in its reliefs will make you feel as if you've wandered into the bustling Valencia of the Golden Age.

Lonja de la seda

Another magnificent Valencian monument linked to our school through its architect Pere Compte, are the Torres de Quart, about seven minutes' walk from the school. These impressive towers were part of the ancient walls that defended the city in the Middle Ages. They are both high and dramatic... one can imagine a crowd of alert lookouts, running up and down their stairs, taking shelter in their protective walls, guarding Valencia!

Torres de Quart

Our school is also found about four minutes from one of Valencia's greatest monuments, the Cathedral of Santa Maria. It is the pride of the city, a cathedral built in the 13th century, which despite being a great example of Gothic architecture, includes other peculiarities, influences and add-ons from other centuries as well. And, if you didn't already know, it is said that none other than the Holy Grail is guarded within its walls. You can see this mythical relic without ever having to suffer the hardships or adventure of Indiana Jones!

Catedral de Valencia

A prosperous city filled with color

All of these magnificent works of art will give you an understanding of how rich and powerful Valencia has been for centuries. In fact, to prove it, you can travel through time, walking only four minutes from the school and visiting the Mercado Central, a Modernist building built in 1914 but still active and filled with life. We assure you it is an inspiring experience to admire the iron architecture while you do your shopping, feasting on the color and aromas of the freshest produce, meat, fish, cheese and more.

Mercado Central

Found right next to the market, but many times unnoticed, is the Church of Santos Juanes, a temple that was a mosque in the time of Al-Andalus, but which became a Gothic parish. It burned down and was reconstructed various times throughout the 14th and 16th centuries. As it stands, it is an example of many different architectural styles. It is a visual walk through the history of art!

Church of Santos Juanes

Ah! And we can't forget that just 10 minutes away, you'll find the city hall, a large Neoclassical building that is well known because every year, during las Fallas the famous mascletá, the biggest firecrackers you've ever heard, errupt in celebration in the city hall's beautiful plaza.

Valencia City Hall

There are many more things to enjoy while you're in Valencia and we could add them all to this list. But we think we’ll leave it to you to discover all of the city’s art and treasures for yourself! There's nothing like finishing class, going to any of the wonderful nearby restaurants or bars, and after having a refreshing glass of horchata, choosing a street and saying, "I'm sure there's something interesting down there", before you make your way to discover what it may be. In Valencia you're sure to be right! There are hidden treasures in this beautiful city everywhere you look.

Discover the art that surrounds donQuijote's school in Valencia and live an enriching experience. Off <!-- Revive Adserver Etiqueta JS asincrónica - Generated with Revive Adserver v5.0.2 --><ins data-revive-zoneid="7" data-revive-id="ec923599c3fad9b044f22a6a73433428"></ins><script async src="//ads.iegrupo.com/www/delivery/asyncjs.php"></script> Becca
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