
Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 04/17/2024 - 10:47
  • Esperpento: grotesque or absurd situation.
  • Fantoche (Braggart): conceited or conceited person.
  • Granuja (Rogue or Crook): cunning or malicious person.
  • Grogui (Groggy): state of daze or confusion, especially after a blow to the head.
  • Hipotálamo (Hypothalamus): region of the brain that controls functions such as body temperature, hunger, or thirst.
  • Hipopótamo (Hippopotamus): large semi-aquatic herbivorous mammalian animal, native to Africa.
  • Hortera (Tacky): person with bad taste in clothing.
  • Intríngulis (Intricacies): complicated or entangled matter or situation.
  • Latifundio (Latifundium): large extension of agricultural land dedicated to a single crop.
  • Macarra (Thug): person who engages in criminal activities or shows aggressive behavior.
  • Mequetrefe (Bum or Loafer): insignificant or unimportant person.
  • Meticuloso (Meticulous): person who pays great attention to detail and is very careful with his work.
  • Mondongo (Guts): intestines and belly of the nets, especially pork. It is also a traditional stew made with animal viscera.
  • Ñoño (Dull): said of a bland thing or of little substance; or said of a person of short wit and little spirit.
  • Osobuco (Ossobuco): Italian dish consisting of slowly cooked veal slices.
  • Palangana (Basin): large shallow container used for washing.
  • Pantufla (Slipper): light and comfortable slipper worn inside the house.
  • Patatús: sudden fainting or nervous breakdown.
  • Purpurina (Glitter): shiny powder used to decorate or give shine.
  • Reñir (To admonish): to argue or admonish with someone.


Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 04/17/2024 - 10:45

Do you want to expand your Spanish vocabulary with words that are funny to pronounce or have a peculiar meaning? In this donQuijote article you will find some of the most used funny Spanish words and expressions, others very curious or with a characteristic origin. Because learning Spanish is an adventure in which you can discover unique words that will become your favorites.

Read this article in Spanish.

Funny words in Spanish

Find here the 50 funny words in Spanish that will help you expand your vocabulary, learn new terms and discover some words that have no literal translation in English. But don't worry if you have never heard them before because we also leave you the definitions in Spanish:

  • Achuchar: to squeeze or hug someone tightly.
  • Adefesio: ridiculous or extravagant looking person or thing.
  • Alcachofa (Artichoke): edible plant in the shape of a flower.
  • Algarabía (Hubbub): confusion or noise produced by a group of people talking at the same time.
  • Babosear (To slober): to drool on something or someone, generally used with dogs.
  • Bobalicón (Simpleton): silly or simple person.
  • Bocazas (Blabbermouth): person who talks too much or too much; also used for people who do not know how to keep their mouths shut and tell things they should not.
  • Cachivache (Junk): useless or poor-quality object.
  • Cantamañanas (Fantasizer): unreliable or serious person.
  • Cháchara (Chitchat): trivial or unimportant conversation.
  • Chanchullo (Scam): deception or trap to obtain a benefit.
  • Chimichurri: herb sauce used as a condiment in Argentine and Uruguayan cuisine.
  • Chirimoya (Custard apple): tropical fruit with white and sweet pulp.
  • Chismoso (Gossip): person who talks a lot about other people's lives.
  • Churro: fried flour dough in the shape of a spiral.
  • Chollo (Bargain): bargain or bargain, especially when it comes to shopping.
  • Ciempiés (Centipede): insect with many legs.
  • Cucurucho (Cone): cone made of paper, cardboard or other material used to contain food. It also refers to the wafer cone in ice cream.
  • Descuajeringar: to break or undo something violently.
  • Espantapájaros (Scarecrow): figure used to scare birds away from crops, generally made of straw.

Funny Spanish words. Funny Spanish expressions | donQuijote

Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 04/17/2024 - 10:43
Funny Spanish words Funny Spanish words you should learn to improve your knowledge. Find here 50 funny words in Spanish and expressions you will love to learn. funny spanish words

Do you want to expand your Spanish vocabulary with words that are funny to pronounce or have a peculiar meaning? In this donQuijote article you will find some of the most used funny Spanish words and expressions, others very curious or with a characteristic origin. Because learning Spanish is an adventure in which you can discover unique words that will become your favorites.

Read this article in Spanish.

Funny words in Spanish

Find here the 50 funny words in Spanish that will help you expand your vocabulary, learn new terms and discover some words that have no literal translation in English. But don't worry if you have never heard them before because we also leave you the definitions in Spanish:

  • Achuchar: to squeeze or hug someone tightly.
  • Adefesio: ridiculous or extravagant looking person or thing.
  • Alcachofa (Artichoke): edible plant in the shape of a flower.
  • Algarabía (Hubbub): confusion or noise produced by a group of people talking at the same time.
  • Babosear (To slober): to drool on something or someone, generally used with dogs.
  • Bobalicón (Simpleton): silly or simple person.
  • Bocazas (Blabbermouth): person who talks too much or too much; also used for people who do not know how to keep their mouths shut and tell things they should not.
  • Cachivache (Junk): useless or poor-quality object.
  • Cantamañanas (Fantasizer): unreliable or serious person.
  • Cháchara (Chitchat): trivial or unimportant conversation.
  • Chanchullo (Scam): deception or trap to obtain a benefit.
  • Chimichurri: herb sauce used as a condiment in Argentine and Uruguayan cuisine.
  • Chirimoya (Custard apple): tropical fruit with white and sweet pulp.
  • Chismoso (Gossip): person who talks a lot about other people's lives.
  • Churro: fried flour dough in the shape of a spiral.
  • Chollo (Bargain): bargain or bargain, especially when it comes to shopping.
  • Ciempiés (Centipede): insect with many legs.
  • Cucurucho (Cone): cone made of paper, cardboard or other material used to contain food. It also refers to the wafer cone in ice cream.
  • Descuajeringar: to break or undo something violently.
  • Espantapájaros (Scarecrow): figure used to scare birds away from crops, generally made of straw.
  • Esperpento: grotesque or absurd situation.
  • Fantoche (Braggart): conceited or conceited person.
  • Granuja (Rogue or Crook): cunning or malicious person.
  • Grogui (Groggy): state of daze or confusion, especially after a blow to the head.
  • Hipotálamo (Hypothalamus): region of the brain that controls functions such as body temperature, hunger, or thirst.
  • Hipopótamo (Hippopotamus): large semi-aquatic herbivorous mammalian animal, native to Africa.
  • Hortera (Tacky): person with bad taste in clothing.
  • Intríngulis (Intricacies): complicated or entangled matter or situation.
  • Latifundio (Latifundium): large extension of agricultural land dedicated to a single crop.
  • Macarra (Thug): person who engages in criminal activities or shows aggressive behavior.
  • Mequetrefe (Bum or Loafer): insignificant or unimportant person.
  • Meticuloso (Meticulous): person who pays great attention to detail and is very careful with his work.
  • Mondongo (Guts): intestines and belly of the nets, especially pork. It is also a traditional stew made with animal viscera.
  • Ñoño (Dull): said of a bland thing or of little substance; or said of a person of short wit and little spirit.
  • Osobuco (Ossobuco): Italian dish consisting of slowly cooked veal slices.
  • Palangana (Basin): large shallow container used for washing.
  • Pantufla (Slipper): light and comfortable slipper worn inside the house.
  • Patatús: sudden fainting or nervous breakdown.
  • Purpurina (Glitter): shiny powder used to decorate or give shine.
  • Reñir (To admonish): to argue or admonish with someone.
  • Ringorrango (Flourish): exaggerated feather feature; or superfluous and extravagant adornment.
  • Tiquismiquis (Finicky): demanding or meticulous person, especially with food.
  • Tocayo: a person who has the same name as someone else.
  • Tostón (Bore): boring or annoying situation.
  • Tubérculo (Tuber): part of a subway reserve stem of some plants such as the potato.
  • Yuyu: feeling of fear or shivering.
  • Zamacuco: not very serious or untrustworthy person.
  • Zampabollos (Glutton): a person who eats in excess.
  • Zigzaguear (To zigzag): to move in a zigzag or irregular trajectory.
  • Zopenco (Numskull): clumsy or unintelligent person.

Funny Spanish expressions

These are just some funny Spanish words that you can learn to use in your daily life. But Spanish is a very interesting and unique language, so you can also find here some funny Spanish expressions to improve your level.

  • Ser un gallina: means to be afraid or to be a coward when facing a situation.
  • Estar en la edad del pavo: refers to adolescence, so it is used with people who are at that age.
  • Estar como una cabra: means to be crazy or to act irrationally.
  • Tener memoria de pez: used with people who easily forget things or have a short memory.
  • No tener ni pies ni cabeza (Make head or tail): means to have no sense, to be incoherent or illogical.
  • Darle la vuelta a la tortilla: refers to when a situation is changed for or against, thus altering the course of events.
  • Tirar la casa por la ventana (Spared no expense): means to spend or invest a large amount of money or resources on something.
  • Hablando del rey de Roma (Speaking of the Devil): used when you are talking about a person, and they appear on the scene.
  • Irse por las ramas (Beat around the bush): means to stray from the main topic of a conversation or to talk about irrelevant matters.
  • Feliz como una perdiz: means to be extremely happy or content.
  • No tener pelos en la lengua (Not mince words): refers to speaking out, saying what you think without beating around the bush or censorship.
  • Ponerse las pilas: means to start working or putting more effort into something, to act with energy and determination.
  • Importarte un pimiento: refers to when a situation or person does not matter to you at all, has no value or importance.
  • Ir directo al grano (To cut to the chase): means to go to the main point or topic without detours or distractions.
  • Ser más chulo que un ocho (To think to be God’s gift to the world): means to be arrogant or conceited.
  • Como el que oye llover (Like watter off a duck’s back): means not paying attention to something, ignoring what someone is saying or what is happening.
Practical Spanish Funny Spanish words you should learn to improve your knowledge. Find here 50 funny words in Spanish and expressions you will love to learn. funny Spanish words, cool spanish words, fun words in spanish, funniest spanish words, funny spanish expressions Off Marta Díaz


Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 04/10/2024 - 09:19

Speak with native Spanish speakers

Although not strictly a form of studying, talking to native Spanish speakers or fellow students in Spanish will allow you to practice and improve. Try out everything you have learned in your Spanish course or listened to a podcast, speaking in the language you are studying is essential.

Join a language exchange group, travel to countries like Spain or practice with your classmates. It all adds up in your adventure of studying in Spanish, especially because practicing speaking will allow you to improve your way of expressing yourself and you will learn new words you didn't know you needed.

Still have doubts? With all these tricks you will be able to find the best way to study Spanish in a short time and in an effective way. Don't hesitate any longer and start learning Spanish in Spain with donQuijote.


Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 04/10/2024 - 09:18

Reading in Spanish

Another way to study Spanish is by reading. Reading is a fundamental part of learning any language because it allows you to learn vocabulary and expressions used in everyday life.

As with podcasts, choose a reading that interests you, according to your level, and read as much as you can in Spanish. News, opinion articles, fantasy books or articles from your field of study, whatever you read. All these options will help you learn vocabulary and Spanish expressions that are used daily.

Write in Spanish

Complementing the previous point is writing in Spanish. Just like reading, writing will help you practice your way of expressing yourself and use all your knowledge of Spanish to see how you evolve.

Write a diary that follows your language learning, describe your day-to-day life, or make a shopping list. It doesn't matter which method you choose because writing in Spanish can only bring you benefits. Reflect on your knowledge or talk about the last movie you saw but write in Spanish to improve your grammar and spelling.


Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 04/10/2024 - 09:16

Thinking about the best way to study Spanish? Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages with more than 490 native speakers worldwide, so it is not surprising that more and more people are encouraged to study it.

Thus, donQuijote Spanish school can show you the best way to study Spanish. Although there is no single key to learning a language and it depends on each person, but improving your level of Spanish is very easy nowadays. We encourage you to study the language of Cervantes and improve your knowledge of the language by the hand of professionals and with unlimited resources at donQuijote.

Read this article in Spanish here.

Sign up for a Spanish course

Start with the basics: a Spanish course in Spain. No matter your level of Spanish, if you are interested in advancing and improving your study of Spanish, a course is ideal for you. The teachers will help you to build your base if you are a beginner or to improve your vocabulary and way of communicating if you already know the basics.

The Spanish courses in Spain will prepare you to face real conversations and situations, while increasing your vocabulary, grammar, listening, and improving your speaking in Spanish.

Travel to a Spanish-speaking country

If you have the opportunity, choose a Spanish course in Spain to make the most of the learning experience. However, if you cannot have this opportunity, travel to a Spanish-speaking country such as Spain or Mexico.

Linguistic immersion in Spanish will help you internalize the language, and you will improve by leaps and bounds. Surrounding yourself 24 hours a day with the language you want to study will make your evolution fast and efficient, so traveling to Spain during your vacation to improve your knowledge is the second most efficient way to study Spanish.

Language apps

Another way to find the best way to study Spanish is with language apps. Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, so keeping up is easy and just a click away.

Download a language learning app on your phone and log in every day for a short Spanish lesson will help you improve faster. Without realizing it, you will expand your knowledge of Spanish, listening, and reading without effort. As time goes by, you will see that your Spanish knowledge is more extensive, and you will be able to understand a Spanish speaker or a conversation without any problems.

Listen to podcasts in Spanish

If your level is more advanced, listening to a podcast in Spanish can improve your understanding of the language little by little. Even if you are a beginner, you will find this option interesting to make your ear to the new language.

Spanish people tend to speak very fast, so listening to the language a little every day will help your ear get used to the sounds. Choose a topic that motivates you, whether it's culture, politics, or the environment, find the Spanish podcast that best suits your level and interests and get into the language.

Best way to study Spanish | donQuijote

Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 04/10/2024 - 09:13
Best way to study Spanish Find the best way to study Spanish with this donQuijote article. Discover the best tricks to advance in your study of Spanish and improve your level. Best way to study Spanish

Thinking about the best way to study Spanish? Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages with more than 490 native speakers worldwide, so it is not surprising that more and more people are encouraged to study it.

Thus, donQuijote Spanish school can show you the best way to study Spanish. Although there is no single key to learning a language and it depends on each person, but improving your level of Spanish is very easy nowadays. We encourage you to study the language of Cervantes and improve your knowledge of the language by the hand of professionals and with unlimited resources at donQuijote.

Read this article in Spanish here.

Sign up for a Spanish course

Start with the basics: a Spanish course in Spain. No matter your level of Spanish, if you are interested in advancing and improving your study of Spanish, a course is ideal for you. The teachers will help you to build your base if you are a beginner or to improve your vocabulary and way of communicating if you already know the basics.

The Spanish courses in Spain will prepare you to face real conversations and situations, while increasing your vocabulary, grammar, listening, and improving your speaking in Spanish.

Travel to a Spanish-speaking country

If you have the opportunity, choose a Spanish course in Spain to make the most of the learning experience. However, if you cannot have this opportunity, travel to a Spanish-speaking country such as Spain or Mexico.

Linguistic immersion in Spanish will help you internalize the language, and you will improve by leaps and bounds. Surrounding yourself 24 hours a day with the language you want to study will make your evolution fast and efficient, so traveling to Spain during your vacation to improve your knowledge is the second most efficient way to study Spanish.

Language apps

Another way to find the best way to study Spanish is with language apps. Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, so keeping up is easy and just a click away.

Download a language learning app on your phone and log in every day for a short Spanish lesson will help you improve faster. Without realizing it, you will expand your knowledge of Spanish, listening, and reading without effort. As time goes by, you will see that your Spanish knowledge is more extensive, and you will be able to understand a Spanish speaker or a conversation without any problems.

Listen to podcasts in Spanish

If your level is more advanced, listening to a podcast in Spanish can improve your understanding of the language little by little. Even if you are a beginner, you will find this option interesting to make your ear to the new language.

Spanish people tend to speak very fast, so listening to the language a little every day will help your ear get used to the sounds. Choose a topic that motivates you, whether it's culture, politics, or the environment, find the Spanish podcast that best suits your level and interests and get into the language.

Reading in Spanish

Another way to study Spanish is by reading. Reading is a fundamental part of learning any language because it allows you to learn vocabulary and expressions used in everyday life.

As with podcasts, choose a reading that interests you, according to your level, and read as much as you can in Spanish. News, opinion articles, fantasy books or articles from your field of study, whatever you read. All these options will help you learn vocabulary and Spanish expressions that are used daily.

Write in Spanish

Complementing the previous point is writing in Spanish. Just like reading, writing will help you practice your way of expressing yourself and use all your knowledge of Spanish to see how you evolve.

Write a diary that follows your language learning, describe your day-to-day life, or make a shopping list. It doesn't matter which method you choose because writing in Spanish can only bring you benefits. Reflect on your knowledge or talk about the last movie you saw but write in Spanish to improve your grammar and spelling.

Speak with native Spanish speakers

Although not strictly a form of studying, talking to native Spanish speakers or fellow students in Spanish will allow you to practice and improve. Try out everything you have learned in your Spanish course or listened to a podcast, speaking in the language you are studying is essential.

Join a language exchange group, travel to countries like Spain or practice with your classmates. It all adds up in your adventure of studying in Spanish, especially because practicing speaking will allow you to improve your way of expressing yourself and you will learn new words you didn't know you needed.

Still have doubts? With all these tricks you will be able to find the best way to study Spanish in a short time and in an effective way. Don't hesitate any longer and start learning Spanish in Spain with donQuijote.

Practical Spanish Find the best way to study Spanish in this donQuijote article. Discover the best tricks to advance in your study of Spanish and improve your level. best way to study spanish, study in spanish, spanish language learning Off Marta Díaz
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