
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

The Spanish Inquisition lasted from 1478 to 1834. The definition of Inquisition is as follows: "A court of the Roman Catholic Church, charged with the detection, investigation and punishment of heretics."

Yet the definition of Spanish Inquisition is slightly different and reads as follows: "The Spanish Inquisition was established in 1478 for the purpose of upholding Catholic orthodoxy. It was not abolished until 1834 during the reign of the Spanish Catholic monarch Isabella II. The Inquisition was used to impose religious unity on the people, thus the Inquisition became a political tool of power."

Christianity was the most well-known faith in the earlier centuries that had many followers around the world. Many Catholic rulers wanted to preserve Christianity and wanted to convince anyone who believed something else to Christianity, if the person did not want this he/she was persecuted.


After someone was imprisoned, the case was investigated by "calificadores." These were responsible for whether someone was found guilty of heresy or not during the Spanish Inquisition. If this was the case then the person was imprisoned. Sometimes the "calificadores" would take people into preventive detention. This period could last for two years in some cases. Also, the prisoner was not told what the charges were, in most cases they did not know for years what they were accused of. The prisoners could not leave their cells during their imprisonment; everything was isolated. In 1483, stricter inquisitors were appointed and from then on faith courts were established in all the main towns, the prisons were named holy houses (casas santas).


The trial itself consisted of a few hearings with both the accuser and the accused both allowed to tell their own stories to the inquisitors. The accused was assigned someone from the tribunal to advise the accused to tell the truth. Also present was an official who kept notules. The accused had two opportunities to defend himself during the Spanish Inquisition; first, finding a witness in his favor (abonos), or second, proving implausibility of the accuser (tachas).

The Spanish Inquisition was never really interested in witch hunting. There were two reasons for this, first, because the Catholic Church already had enough scapegoats in Jews and Muslims, and second, because Christianity had more enemies outside Christianity than inside Christianity (as heretics and later witches).

The end of the Inquisition

The end of the Spanish Inquisition was in 1843, but actually it had not been active since 1700. When the Catholic prince el Borbón came on the Spanish trome, the Spanish Inquisition had already come to an end.

Precise figures on the number of trials and results during the Spanish Inquisition have never been fully ascertained, as many documents have been lost. In the most gruesome years of the Spanish Inquisition, there were about 44,000 trials. According to documents, 1.6% ended with a death sentence (700 people).

Many people died during the years of the Spanish Inquisition. Today there are still groups active that want to continue the Inquisition ideology. Fortunately, we can also respect each other today, but the topic of faith will always be sensitive in politics and beyond.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

Equestrian also called Equestrian is a well-known phenomenon in Andalusia, southern Spain. The art of horseback riding with real Andalusian Spanish horses. These Spanish horses are also called the Andalusian and Pura Raza Española (PRE). This Andalusian is often used in shows and other spectacles because of its appearance.

The history of the Pura Raza Española is often debated. In fact, many misunderstandings have been brought into the world. First of all, the biggest misunderstanding is that this Spanish horse would have blood from the Arabian horse. There is no Arabian blood in the PRE at all. The second major misunderstanding is that the breed would have been purified and bred in a Carthusian (monastery for hermits) in the 15th century.

The Andalusian is recognized by its long, silver-white and especially silky mane and low tail. This pure and noble breed is only surpassed, in terms of pure bloodline, by the Arabian. These Spanish horses are usually in the gray color and become whiter as they age.

The character of the elegant Andalusian horses can be described as courageous, spirited and above all very docile. Because of this, the stallions are also usually not castrated for their gentle nature. These Spanish horses trust their rider, an excellent partner in wartime. The Andalusian proves itself even today at bullfights. They are proud, honest and, above all, intelligent partners of man. An animal that learns quickly and almost never shows misbehavior.

Because the Spanish horse is so easy to handle, these horses are used all over the world for shows as well as for circus, liberty dressage and also for regular riding schools. At Spanish riding schools, the elegance of the Andalusian comes out well because of their courage and agility.

Three more different riding arts are practiced in Spain. These three are: "Doma Clásica," "Alta Escuela" and "Doma Vaquera." This art and culture come together in all these riding arts through the Pura Raza Española. In Andalusia there are many of these shows where all these riding styles are reflected.

Doma Clásica

Doma Clásica is a classical riding style from the Renaissance. This style of riding with the Pura Raza Española was practiced mainly by the nobility. The Doma Clásica is an ancient art widely used at dressage competitions around the world.

Alta Escuela

Alta Escuela, also called the Old School. The style of horseback riding was especially widely used in the military. The purpose of the Alta Escuela is to impress and create space for other men. This Spanish pass is also often seen at shows. At shows, you also see mostly old and classical exercises.

Doma Vaquera

The Doma Vaquera riding style may be called the national riding style of Spain. Doma Vaquera literally means the "training of the herdsman." The herdsman (the vaquero) still rides his horse over the land to watch his cattle. The herdsman usually only rides with one hand so he can do other actions with his other hand. Along with the Alta Escuela, Doma Vaquera is the oldest riding style in Europe.

Equestrianism is an important part of daily life in Andalusia, which is why horse shows have also become art and culture for tourists. The Andalusian horses are known all over the world, this will only increase in the future due to the character of these beautiful Spanish horses. Definitely worth attending a show when you are in Andalusia.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

The main rivers in Spain are the Duero, the Ebro, the Tagus, the Guadalquivir and the Guadiana. These many Spanish rivers flow as much as hundreds of kilometers through the country and generate a lot of energy. Most rivers in Spain are unnavigable.

In northern Spain, the Duero and the Ebro run; in central Spain, the Tagus, the Guadiana and the Júcar flow. In southern Spain, the Guadalquivir and Segura rivers run.

The Duero River

The Duero River flows together with the Tagus River from the central plateaus westward to Portugal. The Duero rises in the region of Castile and León and flows into Portugal. The name Duero also means "Golden River." This Spanish river has a length of 897 kilometers, making it one of the largest river basins in the Iberian Peninsula.

The Tagus

The Tagus flows into the Atlantic Ocean near Lisbon. This Spanish river is about 1,000 kilometers long and flows past Toledo, among other places. The Tagus is used to irrigate surrounding agricultural areas. Wine is grown along its banks.

The Ebro

At 900 kilometers in length, the Ebro is Spain's longest river and runs past Zaragoza. This. Spanish river is the only river that flows to the Mediterranean Sea.

The Guadalquivir River

The Guadalquivir is about 650 kilometers long and flows past Córdoba and Seville. This Spanish river empties into the Gulf of Seville and is navigable as far as Córdoba for ocean-going vessels.

The Guadiana

The Guadiana forms a border between Portugal and Spain and flows past the cities of Mérida and Badajoz. The unusual thing about the Guadiana is that this river suddenly disappears underground and only reappears after a few kilometers.

Other major Spanish rivers include the Júcar and the Segura. The Júcar empties into the Mediterranean Sea after 500 kilometers and flows through the provinces of Cuenca, Albacete and Valencia. The Segura is a slightly smaller river known for its floods and flows past Murcia, among others.

Most Spanish rivers have variable water supplies, this is mainly due to the many mountains and alternating rainwater. As a result, most rivers in Spain are unnavigable for navigation. Only the Guadalquivir from Seville is navigable downstream. The Duero and Ebro rivers usually have enough water but the differences in elevation also make them unusable for navigation.

Strong soil erosion is present in the rivers of Spain. As a result, they generally carry a lot of sediment, creating deltas. In the northeast in Galicia, Spanish rivers have wide estuaries.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

The life of painter Pablo Ruiz Picasso did not always go over roses, but now even after his death he is still adored for his masterpieces and his paintings are going around the world for millions of euros.

This master was born on Oct. 25, 1881, in Málaga, Spain. Because Pablo developed many talents at an early age, he was loved from that very moment. Talent for art was already in the blood, as Picasso's father, Jose Ruiz Blasco, was also an artist, but was more into still life. Both of Picasso's parents encouraged their son in his artistic ambitions. From an early age Picasso wanted to paint; he also did not go to school without brushes. In 1895, the whole family moved to Barcelona. After months of living among peasants and after many sketches, Picasso soon entered the upper classes of the "La Lonja" art school.

There are many famous paintings by Pablo Picasso that sell for a lot of money. Pablo Picasso's paintings are also best known for the way they are painted. Pablo Picasso's paintings also give a clear picture of how the painter felt during certain periods. In the early the of the 20th century, Picasso developed Cubism 1905-1915 with Georges Braque.

The Blue Period

Early in his career, Picasso experienced a blue period. During this time, he lived in Paris from1901 to 1904 and Picasso's paintings were mostly dark and somber with purple, black, green and blue. Some examples are "Desemparats" and "The Madman."

The Pink Period

After this period, Picasso's paintings became more famous and he achieved his first successes. Also after the blue period, he had a relationship with Fernande Olivier. This was reflected in his paintings, which is why we call this period the pink period. Picasso's paintings became less somber by using softer colors especially pink. Some examples from this period are the "Portrait of Señora Canals" and "Circus Artist and Boy."


Surely the most important period of Picasso's life is the period of Cubism. Cubism is recognized by tight and hard expressions with thick layers of paint. Cubism came about as Picasso came into contact with African and Polynesian sculptures that inspired him to paint masks. Picasso, along with his friend Georges Braque, are considered the inventors of this more modern art movement. Consequently, some examples from the Cubist period include "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" and "Blanquita Suárez." "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" from 1907 is considered by art historians as the beginning of 20th century painting.

The Classical Period

When World War I broke out, most men had to join the army, including many of Picasso's friends. This left Picasso feeling isolated and lonely most of the time. This only got worse when his beloved Eva died. The result was a depressed Picasso who could no longer concentrate on his work. He was taken to Rome by Jean Cocteau in 1917 to design sets and costumes for a Russian ballet company. He eventually married one of the dancers and further immersed himself in classical art. This style of painting was more of the Renaissance. Some well-known works of this period are "The Absinthe Drinker" and "Self-Portrait."

The Surrealist Period

After the classical period came the surrealist period in which Picasso experimented with different colors, styles and shapes. An example of a Picasso painting of this period is "The Dance."

The Abstract Period

In one of last periods the abstract period or also called the Picasso style. Picasso started to work more and more abstractly. Some examples of paintings by Picasso from this period are "Abstract head" and "Abstract portrait."

Picasso's 1963 painting called Tête de femme (Jacqueline) fetched 9.2 million euros in London in 2010, its owner is unknown.

Surely Pablo Picasso's most famous painting is "Guernica." This painting by Picasso depicts a German bombing raid on the town of Guernica in 1937. The painting is 3.5 meters high and just over 7.5 meters wide. This painting by Picasso is also considered Picasso's most impressive and controversial painting. Today this painting by Picasso hangs in the "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia" in Madrid.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

Pedro Almodóvar Caballer, born Sept. 24, 1951 is Spain's best-known film director. Almodóvar arrived in Madrid in 1968 and survived by selling secondhand goods at the famous flea market "El Rastro". Almodóvar could not attend film school because he both did not have the money and the school was closed during the time of General Franco. Almodóvar found a job with a Spanish telephone company and saved money to buy a Super 8 camera. From 1972 to 1978, he lived for making short films with the help of friends. These short films were distributed throughout Spain and quickly became well-known among people. In the following years, Almodóvar became a star of "La Movida," a cultural movement against General Franco in the 1970s. In 1980 the first Almodóvar film was released this film was called "Pepi, Luci, bom y otras chicas del montón". In 1987 Pedro and his brother Agustín Almodóvar started their own production company called "El Deseo", S. A. The ´´Almodóvar phenomenon´´ had by now reached the whole world and his Spanish films became known in many countries.

His successful career began after the years of Franco (movida madrileña). In the time after Franco's death and the subsequent process of democratization, many young artists expressed themselves with work that was provocative. Almodóvar also participated in this by making films with themes such as drug use, transvestism, transsexuality, homosexuality, prostitution and also brought up abuses in the Catholic Church.

In his Spanish films, Almodóvar has a strong preference for a number of actresses. A few examples are: Carmen Maura, Chus Lampreave, Marisa Paredes, Rossy de Palma, Cecilia Roth and Penélope Cruz. Antonio Banderas also broke through through Almodóvar's Spanish films.

Below is a list of all Spanish films, also called the Almodóvar films:

  • 1978 – Folle... folle... fólleme Tim!*
  • 1980 – Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón*
  • 1982 – Laberinto de pasiones
  • 1983 – Entre tinieblas
  • 1984 - ¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto?
  • 1986 – Matador
  • 1987 – La ley del deseo*
  • 1988 – Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios*
  • 1990 - ¡Átame!
  • 1991 – Tacones lejanos
  • 1993 – Kika*
  • 1995 – La flor de mi secreto
  • 1997 – Carne trémula*
  • 1999 – Todo sobre mi madre*
  • 2002 – Hable con ella
  • 2004 – La mala educación*
  • 2006 – Volver
  • 2009 – Los abrazos rotos
  • 2011 – La piel que habito

Below are the films that have had the greatest impact on Almodóvar and the rest of the world.

As mentioned earlier, "Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón" was Almodóvar's first feature-length film. Financed by his friends and made within 16 months. This film was such a success that Almodóvar quickly rose to prominence as a provocateur with a film that gave the feeling of cultural and sexual freedom. Because the film ran for years in independent circuits, Almodóvar was able to collect funds for his subsequent films.

"La ley del Deseo" was the first film to ever receive the "Teddy Award." The film also received the Best Film of the Year award at the Berlin International Film Festival.

In 1988, Almodóvar produced the film "Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios." A film that was very well received internationally and later nominated for an Oscar for Best Non-English Language Film. This film also won a number of Goyas (Best Film, Best Actress in a Leading Role, Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Best Screenplay and Best Editing).

"Kika" a Spanish film with extravagant clothes designed by Jean-Paul Gaultier and José Maria Cossio in collaboration with Gianni Versace. A fun fact about the film is that Pedro Almodóvar's mother has a small supporting role in it.

The only Spanish film Almodóvar has directed based on a book is "Carne trémula." It starred Javier Bardem and for the male supporting actor José Sancho received a Goya in 1998. The film is set in the 1970s, when General Franco declared a state of emergency until such time as Spain had thrown off all restrictions.

Todo sobre mi madre (All About My Mother) starring Cecilia Roth, Marisa Paredes, Candela Peña, Antonia San Juan and Penélope Cruz. In 1999, the film won an Academy Award for best foreign film and even 7 awards at the Goya´s ceremony including Best Director, Best Film and Best Female Lead.

The only film Pedro Almodóvar took about 10 years to write out is the film "La mala educación"(The Bad Education). A story inspired by memories from three important periods in the Spanish era (Franco era, end of the regime and the movida madrileña). A film about the friendship between two boys who meet at a Catholic school in the 1960s and only meet again in the 1980s. This film also presents central themes of sexual abuse, transsexuality, drug abuse and homosexuality. For this the film gained much respect in 2004 and opened the 57th edition of the Cannes Film Festival that same year as the first Spanish film. In total, the film brought in $40 million and in the United States $5.2 million, this is extraordinary for a film in a foreign language.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

Mexico is 47 times the size of the Netherlands. It is a beautiful country that you can travel through for months. Its rich history, many cultures, tropical waters, amazing food and deserts and volcanoes are several reasons to take a tour of Mexico.

Mexico is located in Latin America and the national language is Spanish. It is the beautiful land of the Aztecs and has great differences in geography, culture and climate. Travelers there can enjoy the sun, sea and beach as well as delicious food, national parks, tropical rainforest, colonial cities and pre-Columbian ruins.

Three world spots for your Mexico roundtrip

Chichen Itza (Mexico)

When you tour Mexico you will find various remnants of Mayan culture, including Chichen Itza. In fact, this was one of the most important cities of the Mayan empire, rising above the Mexican jungle like giant pyramids. Located on the Yucatán Peninsula, the city has many sacred structures on the edge of the ancient crater Chicxulub, including the Pyramid of Kukulcán. This pyramid is included in UNESCO's World Heritage List.

San Cristobal de las Casas

If you want to see a lot of culture and nature in a short time during your tour of Mexico and beaches are not at the top of your list, the South of Mexico comes highly recommended. Here you will find rainforest, mountains and ancient Mayan temples, such as those at Palenque. High in these southern mountains, close to the Guatemalan border is San Cristóbal de las Casas. For many people, a stay in this old colonial city is the highlight of their visit to this part of Mexico.


If beaches are at the top of your list, then the pearly white sand beaches and clear blue waters of Oaxaca in Mexico are really worth a visit. You'll find turtle beaches, surf beaches, as well as small coves. But Oaxaca has more to offer, namely stunning mountain scenery, beautiful valleys, huge corn fields and one of the most important archaeological sites can be found here, namely the temple city ruins Monte Albán.

Many other travelers have also discovered the country's diversity. Indeed, in 2011, Mexico welcomed 22.67 international visitors. This broke the record set in 2008.

Have you been intrigued by this information and would you also like to travel to the amazingly diverse Mexico? Then check out the following travel sites now:


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

Summer in Spain varies, inland it can get very hot while on the coast it can be a pleasant temperature. The weather is determined by the altitude and the surrounding sea. Spain borders three seas that determine the summer in Spain these are the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Sea and the Cantabrian Sea. These seas are important for wind flow to and from the Iberian Peninsula.

It can also rain heavily during the summer in Spain. The chance of rain is less in the south than in the north, where sometimes large showers occur. In the south an average of 10 mm falls where in the northeast sometimes hundreds of millimeters fall. The Costa del Sol and the Costa Blanca are therefore very popular vacation destinations. The wettest area in summer is San Sebastian, where about 300 mm of summer rain falls. The record summer rainfall in Spain is 720 mm in Gandia in Valencia, this was on November 3, 1987.

Spring is also a perfect time to go to Spain for a vacation or to work in Spain. Some advantages are that the days get longer then, the weather is more stable and there is a gentle breeze. In spring the temperature is around 20 degrees while in summer it is around 30 degrees. On average, in summer in Spain, the sun shines 11-12 hours per day.

Summers in Spain can be very hot, this is especially true inland. Nights can also be cool inland where temperatures can fall below 10 degrees. Compared to the Netherlands, summer in Spain is warmer, but the differences between day and night are great. The temperature by the sea can sometimes stay 30 degrees all night. In the summer of Spain, daytime temperatures can run around 21 degrees on the north coast and around 33 degrees in Madrid and even 36 degrees in Cordoba. The highest temperature ever recorded in Spain is 47.8 degrees in Murcia on July 29, 1976. During summer in Spain, some places see the sun 300 to 370 hours per month. In our small country, this average is around 200 hours per month (our sunniest month). The area with the most sun in Spain and Europe is the Gulf of Cadiz in southern Spain. Here the sun shines annually over 3000 hours and the north coast, on the other hand, only 1700 hours.

Especially the east coast and the islands are crowded in the summer by both tourists and students as seasonal workers. Many students go to work in Spain during the summer vacations. These are usually temporary jobs in Spain in the hospitality industry or in the tourism sector, for example, in a hotel or at a campsite. Many families also enjoy their summer vacations in Spain.

Spain is a perfect country to enjoy your vacation or to work in the summer. Spain is one of the busiest vacation countries in Europe. Many tourists stay in Spain during the summer to enjoy the wonderful weather, among other things. I don't blame them!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

Cuba, also called the land of rum, salsa and cigars, is located in Latin America. The mainly Spanish-speaking country has a pleasant climate, great beaches, varied nature, ancient buildings and colorful bustling cities. Those who love music and dancing have come to the right place in Cuba. The variety of festivals, the vibrant city of Havana and the musical Santiago de Cuba will have you swinging.

Cubans can party like no other. On festival days between the crowds and the heat, Cubans enjoy the food and drink and music with each other and with tourists. They forget all the daily problems and dance day and night!

Festivals in Cuba
Swinging and enjoying Cuba during your vacation? Visit one of the events or festivals:

Semana Cultural
Once a year, culture week is celebrated in all Cuban provinces. Music, dance, arts, crafts and local cooking take center stage during this week.

Noche Plaza
Every month, usually on the third Saturday, the Noche Plaza festival takes place. Musicians from all over Cuba get you swinging in Havana's Plaza de la Catedral.

Romerías de Mayo
Every May, this traditional celebration is held in Cuba. It is a gathering of intellectuals and various cultural representatives from many countries. The capital of modern art, Holguín, is the site of this event every year.

Carnival Havana & Santiago de Cuba
Carnival is the biggest swinging festival in Havana. Nowadays, it is celebrated every August. In Santiago de Cuba, the lively Carnival festival is celebrated in late July. Central to the celebration are the colorful comparsas (street dances) and the overwhelming floats during the Cuban carnival. Not to be missed if you take a group trip to Cuba.

Varadero International Music Festival Cuba
In November, during this festival, opera companies, choirs and the National Symphony Orchestra give concerts along with visiting ensembles.

Havana International Jazz Festival
The Havana International Jazz Fesitval gives all jazz lovers the chance to see and hear the best jazz in the world. This Jazz tour is the best way to get acquainted with Cuban music, dance and culture.

Latin American international film festival
This film festival is one of the most highly regarded film festivals in the world. The festival showcases a wide assortment of audiovisual productions from across the continent.

Everywhere on Cuban streets, music is heard and salsa is danced. The combination of beach, culture and nature make Cuba the perfect destination for a trip or vacation.

Would you also like to swing in Cuba?
check out the Cuba group tours of SHOESTRING festival tours.

Create your own Cuba trip? Check out the travel site Cuba2GO.nl


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

The Bank of Spain also called Banco de España is the central bank of Spain. This Savings Bank is part of the European System of Central Banks. The main building of Banco de España is in Madrid. The nearby metro station in Madrid is named after the bank and is also called Banco de España.

The bank was founded by French-Spanish banker Francisco Cabarrús and King Carlos III in 1782 under the name Banco Nacional de San Carlos. After the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, the Spanish state had accumulated a debt of more than 300 million Real. To pay this debt, in 1829 the finance minister established a fund of about 40 million Real that allowed the bank to issue its own banknotes within Madrid. Along with this new asset, again the name changed, this time to Banco Español de San Fernando.

A few months after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, almost most of the gold reserves were taken to Moscow to pay for weapons (Moskougoud). This totaled about 510 tons of gold taken away from the bank.

In 1844, another bank called Banco de Isabel II established itself. After three years, the Banco Español de San Fernando merged with Banco de Isabel II, in the process retaining its name. In 1856, the name was changed to the current name of the Spanish savings bank, Banco de España. Almost 20 years later, the Banco de España was given the sole right to issue Spanish banknotes. In 1962, the Banco de España was officially nationalized by General Franco. The Spanish central bank also has another large art collection with paintings by Picasso and Goya, among others.

Outside the central bank of Spain you also have regional banks, the two largest being Santander Central Hispano and the BBVA. Outside these regional banks, you will find about 30 other banks that only operate nationwide.

Since the bank is no longer responsible for Spain's monetary policy, today it provides economic and monetary advice to the Spanish government. Beyond this, the Bank of Spain also issues euro bills and coins. The Bank of Spain oversees the Spanish banking system and manages its own valuation and precious metal reserves. Monetary policy is in the hands of the European Central Bank along with the EMU (Economic and Monetary Union). Since 2006, the bank's governor has been Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez. Miguel is an economist and politician appointed to this position by the Spanish government.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

Spain has an area of about 506,000 square kilometers with many natural parks scattered throughout the country. There are many natural parks in Spain that have been declared national parks. These parks in Spain are protected by the government who want to keep the flora and fauna intact with as little human interference as possible. All Spain's national parks are public. In total there are 14 national parks in Spain. There are 9 parks in the peninsula of Spain, 4 in the Canary Islands and 1 in the Balearic Islands. Below they are all briefly discussed one by one.

National Park in the Balearic Islands

The National Park del Archipiélago de Cabrera

The island of Cabrera is the only natural park in the Balearic Islands. This entire island is a national park. The peculiarity of this park is that most of it is underwater. An underwater world with beautiful corals, fish and sea turtles. 

National Parks in the Canary Islands

The Timanfaya National Park (Lanzarote)

Once in the natural park of Lanzarote, you imagine yourself in a ´moon´ landscape. The former lava allows the cultivation of special wine with a special taste. Parts of the movie Lord of the Rings were shot here. Walking through this national park is not allowed. 

The Garajonay National Park

Spain's national park called Garajonay covers an area of just under 4,000 hectares and is located on the island of La Gomera. The characteristics of this national park are its rare animal species and dense forests. There are 150 different insects alone that live only on this island.

The National Park de la Caldere de Taburiente (La Palma)

This national park is located on the island of La Palma. In this park you will find mountains, volcanoes and beautiful waterfalls and it has an area of 4,690 hectares.

The National Park del Teide (Tenerife)

The only national park created by a volcanic eruption. The island is surrounded by a volcanic landscape, and from a path among the volcanic rocks you have a beautiful view of the island.

National Parks on the Iberian Peninsula

The Picos de Europa National Park (Asturias, Castile and León and Cantabria)

Picos de Europa was Spain's first national park and is located in northern Spain. The park has long been characterized for its stunning landscapes of high mountains, deep valleys and dense forests. Since 1995, the park has expanded to 64,660 hectares and named “Picos de Europa,” this also because it is part of the Cantabrian Mountains. To this day, wild brown bears can still be found living in a unique flora and fauna.

The Coto de Doñana National Park (Andalusia)

This National Spanish Natural Park is located on the Atlantic Ocean in two provinces (Huelva and Seville) and at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River. No roads run through the natural park; the people who live here live naturally without modern amenities such as electricity. The park has an area of 50,720 hectares.

Sierra Nevada National Park (Granada)

This is the largest national park in Spain with an area of about 86,200 hectares. The name Sierra Nevada is also for the mountain range with mountains over 3,000 meters high. Because it is so southern, the flora and fauna is unique and you will find animal and plant species that are found nowhere else but in the Sierra Nevada.

Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park (Lerida-Cataluña)

The national park is located in the province of Lerida in northern Spain in the Pyrenees. This natural park in Spain is characterized by its many small mountain rivers and mountain lakes.

The Monfragüe National Park

Its name comes from the Latin Mons Fragorum and means “hollow mountain.” Park Monfragüe is the only national park in the region of Extremadura with an area of about 18,120 hectares. The Monfragüe park has been on UNESCO's World Heritage List since 2003.

The National Park de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia (Galicia)

This national park in Spain is the only one in the region of Galicia. It is a national park for all the islands lying off the Galician coast such as Ons, Cie, Cortegada and Sálvora. The park has a total area of about 8,500 hectares of which 1,200 are on land and 7,300 are in the sea.

Ordese y Monte Perdido National Park (Pyrenees)

This National Park in Spain has an area of 15,610 hectares. This park located in the Spanish part of the Pyrenees and has been on UNESCO's World Heritage List since 1997. Important features of this natural park are its snowy peaks and deep valleys, the highest peak is 3350 meters (Monte Perdido).

The Tablas de Damiel National Park (La Mancha)

With its nearly 2,000 hectares, this natural park of Spain located in the La Mancha region is a protected area for 180 different species of birds that rest here before migrating to warm places. In fact, the area is characterized as wet and rainy, perfect for waterfowl.

The Cabañeros National Park (Castilla la Mancha)

The Cabañeros Natural Park is surrounded by the mountains of Toledo in the regions of Ciudad Real and Toledo. The park has a mild Mediterranean climate (summers are dry and autumn precipitation is plentiful, winter will never be cold).
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