
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

Doing an internship abroad has always been a dream of mine. I never knew exactly where, but that I was going to do an internship abroad for six months, that was for sure. And I did it! I have been living in Salamanca, Spain for 3 months now. With 3 months to go I'm having a great time here in the student city of Spain!

Doing an internship in Spain is super

I made so many new friends from all over the world! I distinctly remember arriving here in Salamanca, here I was then ready for an adventure and I didn't even speak one word of Spanish.... And don't think that Spaniards speak English, mind you (with a few exceptions, of course)! Fortunately, the next day began my 3-week Spanish course at don Quijote. How much I learned during these 3 weeks!

Finally I was able to have a little conversation with the Spaniards. All very nice people who are always ready to help you and never too shy to have a chat. Living in Salamanca is so much fun, I live in a student apartment with 2 other girls and they have become very good friends. And what is fun to do is take trips. For example, we have already been to Madrid and Porto for weekends with a group of friends.


In Salamanca you can party really well! There are many bars and nightclubs, and every night there is something to do. Every week you can go beer pong or every Tuesday you can go to an Erasmus party, which is always in the theme of a different country. And yes, even the Netherlands has been there, what a great party that was! But what is also nice is that you meet so many people of different nationalities. Not only do you get to know the Spanish culture, but others as well!

So after my 3 week language course, the internship really began at don Quijote. Not at the school, but at the main office which is also in Salamanca. I went there a bit nervous but that turned out to be totally unnecessary! I am having a great time here. I learn a lot of things that fit perfectly with my studies in Commercial Economics. The first four weeks of my internship I was also offered conversation classes at don Quijote, which is really handy! I also enjoy the assignments I have to do, from writing articles to doing research, I love doing it!

I'm kind of looking forward to going back home in 3 months.... Life here is very different than in Holland and I would love to develop my Spanish further! Maybe I should go to South America for half a year as my graduation internship next year? Who knows? In any case, I am really enjoying my time here and would definitely recommend an internship at don Quijote in Salamanca to others!

Photo by Dieg082


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

The capital of Ecuador

For those who did not already know, the capital of Ecuador is an incredibly beautiful and unique city! It is an artistic city with a lot of culture. You can see this everywhere. In the squares, the unique buildings that have been built. You will be enchanted as you walk through the city.

The city is characterized by classic colonial architecture and modern buildings. In 1978, the city was one of the first cities to be declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Quito is 70 km. long (!) and only 4 km. wide. And while the city is only 20 km. from the equator, the weather in Quito is always +/- 18 °C. This is because the city is almost 3,000 meters above sea level.What you definitely must have seen if you visit Quito once is, of course, the Sucre Theater. Furthermore, you will visit the old town, the new part, the Virgin del Quito and the cable car (Teleférico) with views over the entire city. Because of its location between the mountains, the city is best admired from above, this is a beautiful and adamant view. Typical Ecuadorian items include llama rugs, jewelry and panama hats. A must to buy in Ecuador are leather goods; very cheap and of good quality.

A tour of Ecuador is also highly recommended. You can see La Piragua Waterfall or visit the rain forests, Indian populations, volcanoes or Inca ruins. Of course, you can also head to the coast! In the evening, you might choose to try the country's delicacy; roasted guinea pig. Ecuadorians eat everything but the bones. If you give a piece to them you are immediately considered a good friend! Of course, there are plenty of other delicious things to eat to choose from!

The Galápagos Islands

The most special thing about Ecuador are the Galápagos Islands. These islands are 1000 km. from the coast of South America, but are easily accessible. Therefore, among other things, there live animals that live nowhere else on earth. You can snorkel with sea lions and penguins here. Also, don't be surprised if a 200-kilo turtle suddenly crawls by.

But if you like going out you should do it in Quito itself, because this is one of the best nightlife cities of Ecuador! Especially for girls it is fun going out, you get in almost everywhere for free and often you also get a discount or there is just open bar! The neighborhood where you should be is called "La Mariscal".

After all this traveling through Ecuador and Quito it is of course also time to relax. And what better way to do that than to bathe in the hot geysers created by nature....


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

Las Fallas, a huge celebration in the region of Valencia. It is one of the most famous fiestas in Spain. The celebration begins every year on the last Sunday of of February with the opening party, La Crida. On March 19, the party ends when all the Fallas made are set on fire, and there is a huge fireworks party.

  • Las Fallas is celebrated every year on March 19 in honor of St. Joseph Day.
  • Each neighborhood in Valencia has its own festival organization, `Casal Faller'.
  • A ´Falla´ is a huge doll made of papier mache, this doll is made on a huge piece of wood or cardboard which is stuffed with fireworks.

Surely one of the most famous Spanish holidays is Las Fallas. With this festival, Valencians celebrate the beginning of spring. Carpenters used to go into the streets with a wooden plank on which candles were hung. Nowadays it has become a true spectacle. Each neighborhood in Valencia has its own Casal Fallar, with this Casal Fallar one makes a Falla, a huge doll made of papier-mâché on a wooden stick.

Some neighborhoods sometimes spend months making and Falla. And some of these Fallas can cost as much as a million euros. A few examples of Fallas are; witches, demons, giants, fairies but also different political figures have passed in review. Together, these Fallas make up a large parade. On the last day of Las Fallas, these papier mache dolls are set on fire to drive away the evil spirits.

Las Fallas, besides its beautiful papier mache puppets and magnificent parade, is also very well known for its many fireworks shows. Every day starting March 1, a deafening fireworks display called the Mascleta is set off at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. From March 1 to March 18, this is done every day. The real fireworks ornamental fireworks follow on the night of March 18, during the night of fire, Nit del Foc. On this night, one of the world's most beautiful fireworks shows takes place. On St. Joseph Day, La Crema, the cremation of the Fallas takes place. At Valencia City Hall, all the papier mache dolls are then set on fire. This is also the last fireworks show that takes place during Las Fallas. Each Falla is made on a large piece of wood or a large piece of cardboard. In addition to the papier mache, huge fireworks are also put into the puppets. This makes for a fantastic crematié of the puppets.

This wonderful celebration in Valencia has so much to offer, it is one big party for days in Valencia, live music is played throughout the city, people can go out dancing and drinking until the early hours. But above all, it is a wonderful celebration where traditions are carried out and one of Europe´s most beautiful fireworks shows takes place.

Photo by alcebal2002


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

El Clásico

El Clásico: the soccer match between the 2 biggest Spanish soccer clubs. The match is considered the great soccer classic of Spain and perhaps even of the entire world. There has been a rivalry between Real Madrid and FC Barcelona for years.
The rivalry goes way back in history. After General Franco won his victory during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), the Catalan culture and identity was suppressed for years by the Madrid authority. Real Madrid is considered a symbol of the central Spanish government, this is partly due to the club's royal designation (Real). Many Catalans feel no connection to Spain; they also speak a different kind of Spanish. FC Barcelona is seen as a symbol of Catalonia's nationalism because Barcelona is the capital of the province. During this period, it seemed that the referees favored Real Madrid with possible influence from higher-ups.

The 1943 locker room incident

The first incident to occur during the postwar, or "posguerra," period was the "locker room incident. Spanish militiamen allegedly walked into Barca's dressing room before the match began and told the players to calm down. Real Madrid then won 11-1, scoring 7 goals in 14 minutes against a club just as strong on paper....

Bottle finale

In 1968, tension was further heightened between the two clubs by the president of Real Madrid; Santiago Bernabéu Yeste. When FC Barcelona won the final of the Copa del Generalísimo 0-1, Real's ultras began throwing bottles at the players of the Catalan club. Then, of course, when Santiago Bernabéu Yeste made some "nice" controversial statements such as "'Catalonia is beautiful, just a pity that the Catalans live there'" the bomb had completely burst.

Then FC Barcelona had a heyday and then Real Madrid. FC Barcelona went into decline until our own Johan Cruijff joined the club and ensured the first national title in 14 years. As a result, he earned the nickname "El Salvador," which means "the savior.

Over the years, other incidents have occurred that have only made the rivalry between the world's two biggest clubs worse. Nowadays, the tension is at a low ebb.

The 2 clubs have now played more than 225 matches against each other and are among the biggest clubs in the world! They have fans all over the world. But who is the best club that you will have to see for yourself.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

You probably knew that Spain is a fun and beautiful country, but what are the real hidden treasures? Read on!

Hidden treasures

Pre Pyrenees: One of the best kept secrets of Spain are the Pre Pyrenees of Aragon. This mountain range is a beautiful piece of nature with deep valleys, fairytale villages and rocks. All the elements here have influenced the rock for centuries, creating a spectacular nature.

Albarracín in Aragon:What almost no one knows is that near Barcelona you can find a village that looks like it is growing out of the rocks. What is special about this village is that it is a beautiful village, where there is no mass tourism or heavy traffic. You really imagine yourself back in time. See the mud houses and colorful corners in this unknown hinterland of the Mediterranean.

Alquezar: While touring Spain, you will encounter many picturesque villages. Alquezar is a small village in northeastern Spain. The houses here are built against a mountain top. The village was founded by the Moors because of its inaccessibility, since next to the village runs a deep ravine. On top of the mountain are the remains of an old monastery and fortress. Definitely worth a walk into the gorge.

Playa del Silencio: This beautiful beach has not yet been overrun by mass tourism. It is only 330 meters long but voted by the Spanish as one of the most beautiful beaches in Spain in 2012! The beach is surrounded by rocks creating a beautiful bay.

But besides nature and villages, Spain also has culinary treasures, of course. And, oh, how delicious that can be! Discover the most delicious tapas bars for yourself! Tip: always go somewhere where it is not so touristy, with many Spaniards and where it is not too clean, the dirtier the floor the tastier the food is the rule. Spaniards throw everything on the floor!

There are also real treasures

There are about 3000 sunken ships on the Spanish coast, many of them still loaded with gold, silver and diamonds. Close to the Bay of Cadiz, for example, there are +/- 850 ships of which 180 have a total value of 25 million.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

Of course, you can visit Spain's famous big cities. But how about looking at Spain from the other side? In Spain you can find the most beautiful places, places in Spain where tourists do not come (yet), but of course also places that have already been discovered by mass tourism. Read more about the most beautiful places in Spain here.

For example, you have the town of Nerja. A few years ago this was very quiet but slowly it is starting to get a little busier and busier. The famous protruding rock point with gigantic panoramic terrace is also called the ''Balcon de Europa''. Through this ''Balcony of Europe'' you have an impressive view of the city, the coast and the mountains. Spain's most photographed beach can also be found here. As well as the stalactite caves, these are called ''Las cuevas de Nerja.''

Desierto de Tabernas
The only desert in Europe has formed a type of flora and fauna all its own. This is due to the unique conditions in which the desert finds itself. The ''Desierto de Tabernas'' is not a typical sandy desert. It is a rugged desert in which you will also find rocky areas. The 280-square-mile desert is a protected area where the sun shines no less than 3,000 hours a year! The desert is located in southeastern Spain, just above Almeria.

Vejer de la Frontera
The Spanish often call this small town ''El pueblo blanco'' because so many white houses can be seen in its streets. It was once voted the most beautiful place in Spain, but despite this, it is still a fairly undiscovered travel destination.

This is the best preserved Moorish village in Andalusia. This picturesque white village is truly beautiful to see and to walk through, it is always atmospheric and is one of the most beautiful places in Spain.

Puente Nuevo
This giant bridge is an important feature of the city of Ronda. Ronda is split into two parts by a river that flows through the middle of it. Because of this, there is a gorge, the Tajo Gorge. The Puente Nuevo connects these parts. The walls of the gorge are 200 meters high, giving you impressive views into the depths from the bridge. From the Puente Arabe and Puente Viejo bridges you can view the ''hanging houses'' above the Tajo Gorge.

The most beautiful place in Spain, and also one of the best kept hidden, is Cadiz. It is the oldest inhabited port city in Western Europe. Cadiz's intimate Old Town is a paradise to walk through. It lies at the end of the peninsula and is almost completely surrounded by water. You will feast your eyes as you wander around among a maze of narrow streets after which you emerge onto one of the atmospheric plazas. Cadiz is la ciudad que sonríe, the city that smiles.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

As the youngest son of famous singer Julio Iglesias, it was no surprise that Enrique chose to become a singer as well. This has served him well, not least because of his looks.

On May 8, 1975, Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler was born in Madrid. He continued to live there until he was 7 years old and was sent to his father, who lived in America. From then on, things move quickly. When he is a teenager he sings in a school musical and his career has begun. A few years later he manages to land a recording contract.

He adopts an artist name ''Martinez'' when he sends a demo to a record company, hoping not to be seen ''as-the-son-of''. When his career starts to get a little more serious, he tells his parents that he is going to be an artist. His parents are a little skeptical about it but they support him.

When Enrique Iglesias' first album was released in 1996, it did well in Spanish-speaking countries. But success in other countries was not forthcoming. After the same happens with his second album, he decides to conquer the rest of the world. He made an English-language album and scored hits with ''Bailamos'' (which spent 16 weeks in the Dutch top 100) and ''Rythm Devine''. A number 1 hit followed with ''Can I have this kiss forever'' in collaboration with Whitney Houston. Many more hits follow such as ''Hero'', ''Be with you'' and ''Escape''.

He releases more hits such as in 2007 ''Do you know'', ''Taking back my love'' with Ciara and ''Can you hear me''. From 2010 he also scores several more hits with famous artists such as Wisin y Yandel ''No me digas que no'', Juan Luis Gerra ''Cuando me Enamoro'', Pitbull ''I like it'', Usher & lil Wayne ''Dirty dancer'', Nicole Sherzinger ''Heartbeat'', Ludacris ''Tonight I'm loving you'' and more.

Enrique Iglesias has also performed several times in the Netherlands, he has already performed in Ahoy three times. A concert by Enrique Iglesias is almost always crowded and mainly by female spectators.

Enrique has won many awards since 1996. He has won a Grammy, a Latino Grammy, several MTV awards, World Music Awards and many more. All this added up + more than 50 million albums sold make Enrique Iglesias one of the biggest Latin pop stars of this decade!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

World Heritage Sites in Spain

Spain has the second highest number of Unesco World Heritage Sites in the world. This list includes everything about nature, historic buildings, modern cities, gardens and monuments. Each of these heritages is so unique and special that it must be protected. These World Heritage Sites are popular sights in Spain and also give an idea about the culture in Spain.

Some of Spain's World Heritage Sites:

Santiago de Compostela

The city in northwestern Spain is not the only World Heritage Site here. The pilgrimage route to Santiago is also Unesco heritage.

Old city of Salamanca

The city famous for its university is also on the World Heritage List. In the historic center of Salamanca, there is much to admire such as the Cathedral, the University, the Romano Bridge, Ingles de los Dominocos....

Alhambra and Albaicín in Granada

The Alhambra dates back to the Middle Ages. It was the palace and fortress of the Moorish rulers of the Kingdom of Granada in Andalusia. On a hill directly opposite the Alhambra is the "Albaicín" district. This is the old Arab neighborhood of Granada.

Works of Gaudí

The Works of Gaudí include 7 structures designed by Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí. 6 of these structures can be visited in Barcelona, and one in Santa Coloma de Cervello. The 7 structures include Park Güell, Palau Güell, Casa Milà, Casa Vicens, Gaudí's work on the Sagrada Familia, Casa Battló, Cripta Colònia, Güell.

Historic city of Toledo

When staying in Salamanca or Madrid, it is definitely worth visiting one of the oldest cities in Europe. Because of its rich history and culture, the city is on Unesco's World Heritage List.

There is also the Vizcaya Bridge, which is the oldest suspension bridge in the world. The Cathedral and Palace of Seville are also worth seeing, as well as the center and aqueduct of Segovia.  There are many more attractions in Spain, scattered throughout the country. Keep this in mind while planning your Spanish trip!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

Spaniards love good food! Tapas, paella, tortilla you name it.... What cannot be missing in Spanish cuisine is olive oil. This typically Spanish element is used in almost all dishes. In Spain you can therefore also find the most delicious olive oil.

Olive oil goes way back in history, to 4000 BC. At that time, olive trees only grew near the Mediterranean Sea. But today they can grow anywhere. Spain was then the first to produce and export the oil. Besides being a healthy food element, it was also used to generate light and heat.

Spain, the largest olive oil producer in the world

Spain is the largest olive oil producer in the world. Much of Spain's olive oil is of the best quality. The type of olive oil that is considered the best with the most pronounced flavor is the Extra viegre olive oil. This is because this oil comes from one pressing. Other types of oil come from multiple pressings, which reduces the flavor. Spanish olive oil brands include Oleoestepa, Ybarra Gran Seleccion Afrutado, Carbonell and Hacendado. What is remarkable about Spanish olive oil is that it has a golden yellow hue, unlike olive oil from other countries, which are green. This makes Spanish olive oil special. What also makes Spanish olive oil different is the powerful aroma and peppery flavor it often has. Spanish olive oil is delectable.

Mediterranean cuisine

In Mediterranean cuisine, olive oil is used for everything. The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest. This is mainly because everything is used fresh and of high quality. The locals themselves are the biggest fans of their cuisine and value the use of fresh ingredients. Apart from the fact that so much is used fresh, it is also mostly healthy fats and nutrients that you get inside.Among other things, it prevents cardiovascular diseases.

It is recommended to incorporate 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil in your food daily. Did you also know that olive oil ensures healthy gums and white teeth, works against wrinkles and gives you beautiful nails.  It helps combat aging and there are many cosmetic home remedies that incorporate olive oil....

We in the Netherlands can do that too! Put it summery in a salad or use it for frying. Or imitate Spanish cuisine and make tasty tapas! You can use olive oil for almost anything.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 17:52

Building peace in the minds of men and women. That is the goal of UNESCO. UNESCO creates a World Heritage List containing all of the world's special places. Many of these beautiful and historic places can be found in Latin America. Definitely worth a visit if you are in South America!

UNESCO was founded by the United Nations, the aim of which is world peace. The UN wants to improve the living conditions of all people in the world. They also strive to stimulate the development of universal values, in this way they hope to achieve freedom of want and freedom of fear.

UNESCO is helping in this endeavor by creating a World Heritage List. This list is divided into 3 parts. Namely; Natural Heritage, Cultural Heritage and Mixed Heritage, which is a combination of Natural and Cultural Heritage. There is also a separate list of endangered world heritage. In total there are 962 World Heritage Sites, spread over 157 countries.

Latin America is full of extraordinary places on this World Heritage List. 20 percent of all Natural World Heritage Sites on UNESCO's list are found in Latin America and the Caribbean.  Most world heritage sites in Latin America are found in Mexico and Peru. Thus, in Mexico you can see sights like one of the new 7 wonders of the world "Chichen Itza. In Mexico you will find no less than 31 (!) World Heritage sites. Take your pick!

One of the most important cities of the Maya was Chichen Itza. In the city you will find the Pyramid of Kukulcán (also called "el Castillo"). The pyramid is now more than 1,000 years old and great to see once! There are many more ruins to view, attracting millions of visitors. But that's not surprising, the city and its monuments are breathtaking and still exude all the historical charm of the past.

You certainly won't be bored in Peru either! Here you will find 11 different sights that are on the World Heritage List. There are many different cities, historical properties, parks and much more. Peru's most besproke n world heritage site is Cusco. This ancient village was originally the capital of the Incas.

In short: take a good look at the world heritage list and find a nice place to visit! Enjoy!

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