
Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 08/14/2024 - 09:41

Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, Cadiz

Also, in Cadiz you will find the Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, with clean waters and golden sand. An ideal place for those seeking tranquility during their vacations. The beach is very extensive, has its own natural beauty and a local cuisine to scrumptious.

Playa de Maro, Nerja

The Playa de Maro, in Malaga, is known for its hidden coves, clear waters and cliffs. An ideal place to practice scuba diving and snorkeling during your stay.

Playa de la Barrosa, Chiclana de la Frontera

With 8 kilometers of golden sand and crystal-clear waters, Playa de la Barrosa in Chiclana de la Frontera, is one of the most impressive beaches in the south of Cadiz. But the best thing about this beach is that it has an excellent offer of beach bars so that, after a tiring day at the beach, you can have a cold drink in them (without forgetting the typical dishes of the south).


Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 08/14/2024 - 09:40

Playa de Valdevaqueros, Tarifa

Back to Cadiz, specifically in Tarifa, the popular Playa de Valdevaqueros is well known among windsurfers and kitesurfers. This beach offers strong winds and a vibrant atmosphere, surrounded by dunes and nature, perfect to practice water sports and give your vacations a different touch.

Playa de la Malagueta, Malaga

Located in the center of Malaga, the Malagueta Beach is very urban and is one of the best-known beaches in the south of Spain in the city. It has a great offer of services and leisure that makes it perfect to enjoy the city and the sea at the same time. In addition, in Malaga you can find one of the best rated donQuijote schools for an intensive Spanish course.


Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 08/14/2024 - 09:39

Playa de la Caleta, Cadiz

Located in the old town of Cadiz, Playa de la Caleta is famous for its picturesque beauty and spectacular sunsets. It has been the setting for several movies and has been mentioned in Spanish songs to learn Spanish.

Playa de los Genoveses, Almería

Let’s change province and go to Almeria. La Playa de los Genoveses is in the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata-Níjar, this beach has an incredible natural environment, with crystal-clear waters and sand dunes, you will love it!

Playa de Matalascañas, Huelva

In the province of Huelva, you will find a long beach with fine sand, ideal for families. Playa de Matalascañas offers a unique natural environment, near the Doñana National Park, so the little ones will have a great time.


Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 08/14/2024 - 09:38

In the middle of August, the best plan to combat the sweltering heat in Spain is to spend a day at the beach. From the morning you can place the umbrella, take a cold drink and sunbathe on the sun lounger to enjoy a fun day with your family, your couple, with friends or alone.

That's why in this donQuijote article you will find the 10 best beaches in southern Spain for a perfect vacation plan. There is nothing better than spending a summer day in the sun, soaking in the water, reading a Spanish novel or playing in the sand. Do you know any of these beaches in southern Spain?

Read this article also in Spanish or French.

If there is one thing southern Spain is known for, it is its beautiful beaches, offering a combination of crystal-clear waters, golden sands and breathtaking scenery. Here is a list of the 10 best beaches in the south of Spain to spend an ideal vacation while improving your level and learning Spanish in Spain.

Playa de Bolonia, Cadiz

Let’s start with the province of Cadiz, where you can find several beaches on this list. The first one is Playa de Bolonia (Bolonia Beach), known for its fine white sand and its impressive dune of Bolonia. A natural paradise that houses the Roman ruins of Baelo Claudia.

Best beaches in southern Spain | donQuijote

Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 08/14/2024 - 09:20
Best beaches in southern Spain

Discover the best beaches in the south of Spain to spend an incredible summer. The best rated beaches in southern Spain, find out 10 of them in this article.

Playa de los Genoveses

In the middle of August, the best plan to combat the sweltering heat in Spain is to spend a day at the beach. From the morning you can place the umbrella, take a cold drink and sunbathe on the sun lounger to enjoy a fun day with your family, your couple, with friends or alone.

That's why in this donQuijote article you will find the 10 best beaches in southern Spain for a perfect vacation plan. There is nothing better than spending a summer day in the sun, soaking in the water, reading a Spanish novel or playing in the sand. Do you know any of these beaches in southern Spain?

Read this article also in Spanish or French.

If there is one thing southern Spain is known for, it is its beautiful beaches, offering a combination of crystal-clear waters, golden sands and breathtaking scenery. Here is a list of the 10 best beaches in the south of Spain to spend an ideal vacation while improving your level and learning Spanish in Spain.

Playa de Bolonia, Cadiz

Let’s start with the province of Cadiz, where you can find several beaches on this list. The first one is Playa de Bolonia (Bolonia Beach), known for its fine white sand and its impressive dune of Bolonia. A natural paradise that houses the Roman ruins of Baelo Claudia.

Playa de la Caleta, Cadiz

Located in the old town of Cadiz, Playa de la Caleta is famous for its picturesque beauty and spectacular sunsets. It has been the setting for several movies and has been mentioned in Spanish songs to learn Spanish.

Playa de los Genoveses, Almería

Let’s change province and go to Almeria. La Playa de los Genoveses is in the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata-Níjar, this beach has an incredible natural environment, with crystal-clear waters and sand dunes, you will love it!

Playa de Matalascañas, Huelva

In the province of Huelva, you will find a long beach with fine sand, ideal for families. Playa de Matalascañas offers a unique natural environment, near the Doñana National Park, so the little ones will have a great time.

Playa de Valdevaqueros, Tarifa

Back to Cadiz, specifically in Tarifa, the popular Playa de Valdevaqueros is well known among windsurfers and kitesurfers. This beach offers strong winds and a vibrant atmosphere, surrounded by dunes and nature, perfect to practice water sports and give your vacations a different touch.

Playa de la Malagueta, Malaga

Located in the center of Malaga, the Malagueta Beach is very urban and is one of the best-known beaches in the south of Spain in the city. It has a great offer of services and leisure that makes it perfect to enjoy the city and the sea at the same time. In addition, in Malaga you can find one of the best rated donQuijote schools for an intensive Spanish course.

Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, Cadiz

Also, in Cadiz you will find the Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, with clean waters and golden sand. An ideal place for those seeking tranquility during their vacations. The beach is very extensive, has its own natural beauty and a local cuisine to scrumptious.

Playa de Maro, Nerja

The Playa de Maro, in Malaga, is known for its hidden coves, clear waters and cliffs. An ideal place to practice scuba diving and snorkeling during your stay.

Playa de la Barrosa, Chiclana de la Frontera

With 8 kilometers of golden sand and crystal-clear waters, Playa de la Barrosa in Chiclana de la Frontera, is one of the most impressive beaches in the south of Cadiz. But the best thing about this beach is that it has an excellent offer of beach bars so that, after a tiring day at the beach, you can have a cold drink in them (without forgetting the typical dishes of the south).

Playa de El Palmar, Vejer de la Frontera

Finally, the Playa de El Palmar in Cadiz. Very popular with surfers, this beach offers a relaxed experience, a bohemian atmosphere and spectacular sunsets by the sea.

These are just some of the best beaches in southern Spain, especially for their quality, environment and services. Although there are thousands of options that will make your vacation in Spain a unique adventure.

Spain Discover the best beaches in the south of Spain to spend an incredible summer. The best rated beaches in southern Spain, find out 10 of them in this article. best beaches in southern Spain, beach south Spain Off Playa de los genoveses Marta Díaz


Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 08/07/2024 - 15:17
  • Cráneo (Skull)
  • Clavícula (Clavicle)
  • Fémur (Femur)
  • Humero (Humerus)
  • Rótula (Patella)
  • Radio (Radius)
  • Cúbito (Ulna)
  • Costillas (Ribs)
  • Omoplato (Scapula)
  • Columna vertebral or espina dorsal (Vertebral column or spine)
  • Esternón (Sternum)
  • Tibia (Tibia)
  • Peroné (Fibula)
  • Vértebra (Vertebra)

Phrases using Spanish body parts

Below, you will find some phrases that use words from the parts of the body in Spanish that you have seen throughout this article. Practice and use all the vocabulary in this article about Spanish body parts:

  1. Me duele la cabeza después de pasar todo el día frente al ordenador (I have a headache after spending the whole day in front of the computer)
  2. Siento tensión en los hombros después del entrenamiento (I feel tension in my shoulders after training)
  3. Cuando como demasiado y en exceso, me duele el estómago (When I eat too much and in excess, my stomach hurts)
  4. Los riñones filtran la sangre y eliminan las toxinas del cuerpo (The kidneys filter the blood and remove toxins from the body)
  5. El cráneo protege el cerebro de posibles golpes (The skull protects the brain from possible blows)
  6. La pelvis conecta la columna vertebral con las piernas (The pelvis connects the spine to the legs)
  7. El fémur es el hueso más largo y fuerte del cuerpo humano (The femur is the longest and strongest bone in the human body)
  8. La mandíbula se mueve cuando hablamos y masticamos (The jaw moves when we talk and chew)
  9. Me fracturé la clavícula en un accidente de bicicleta (I fractured my collarbone in a bicycle accident)
  10. Las costillas protegen los pulmones y el corazón (The ribs protect the lungs and heart)
  11. En total tenemos 20 dedos, los 10 que componen las manos y otros 10 en los pies (We have a total of 20 fingers, the 10 that make up our hands and another 10 on our feet)
  12. El esófago transporta los alimentos desde la boca hasta el estómago (The esophagus transports food from the mouth to the stomach)
  13. Me hice daño en las rodillas al caer mientras hacía ejercicio (I hurt my knees when I fell while I was exercising)
  14. El cúbito y el radio son los dos huesos del antebrazo (The ulna and radius are the two bones of the forearm)
  15. Me torcí los tobillos jugando al fútbol el fin de semana pasado (I sprained my ankles playing soccer last weekend)

Are you missing a word from the Spanish body parts that is not in this article? Although this list is very complete, we are sure that there is some term that we have missed.

However, if you learn all these Spanish words for body parts little by little, you will become a subject matter expert. Or you can complete your knowledge of Spanish by studying Spanish courses in Spain and put all your knowledge of the language into practice with native speakers.

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