
Submitted by diego.alba on Tue, 07/02/2024 - 17:39

Castro de Baroña

This beach is reached by a dirt path in La Coruña, Galicia. And although the beach of Castro de Baroña does not have the basic services of the most crowded beaches, you can enjoy a fine white sand, a somewhat cool water and an incredible calm.

Cala Varques

Now we travel to the Balearic Islands, specifically to Mallorca, to find Cala Varques. A quiet and hidden Mallorcan cove, with crystal clear waters and surrounded by cliffs, ideal for those looking for a more remote place.


Submitted by diego.alba on Tue, 07/02/2024 - 17:28

Summer is here and with it the long-awaited vacations. There are many who choose the beach to spend their long-awaited days of rest, that's why in this article you will find 10 most beautiful beaches in Spain.
Come and learn Spanish in Spain while you enjoy a day at the beach, the sun and a refreshing drink with your friends, partner or family. Because if there is one thing Spain is known for, it is its beautiful beaches and its summer atmosphere.
Stay and read this article in English or switch to the Spanish version here.

Playa de las Catedrales  

The beach of Las Catedrales is in Ribadeo, in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. With its impressive cliffs and rock formations, this beach is one of the most photographed in Spain.

It looks like something out of a Hollywood movie, but no, you can find it in Spain and stroll along its shore or contemplate the beauty of its arches up to 30 meters high. Of course, it is only possible to enter the caves that guard the arches at low tide.

Most beautiful beaches in Spain | donQuijote

Submitted by diego.alba on Tue, 07/02/2024 - 16:53
Most beautiful beaches in Spain Discover the most beautiful beaches in Spain to travel this holiday season. Beaches in Barcelona, beaches in Mallorca or in Cantabria, Spain. most beautiful beaches in spain

Summer is here and with it the long-awaited vacations. There are many who choose the beach to spend their long-awaited days of rest, that's why in this article you will find 10 most beautiful beaches in Spain.
Come and learn Spanish in Spain while you enjoy a day at the beach, the sun and a refreshing drink with your friends, partner or family. Because if there is one thing Spain is known for, it is its beautiful beaches and its summer atmosphere.
Stay and read this article in English or switch to the Spanish version here.

Playa de las Catedrales  

The beach of Las Catedrales is in Ribadeo, in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. With its impressive cliffs and rock formations, this beach is one of the most photographed in Spain.

It looks like something out of a Hollywood movie, but no, you can find it in Spain and stroll along its shore or contemplate the beauty of its arches up to 30 meters high. Of course, it is only possible to enter the caves that guard the arches at low tide.

Castro de Baroña

This beach is reached by a dirt path in La Coruña, Galicia. And although the beach of Castro de Baroña does not have the basic services of the most crowded beaches, you can enjoy a fine white sand, a somewhat cool water and an incredible calm.

Cala Varques

Now we travel to the Balearic Islands, specifically to Mallorca, to find Cala Varques. A quiet and hidden Mallorcan cove, with crystal clear waters and surrounded by cliffs, ideal for those looking for a more remote place.

Cala Mondragó

Cala Mondragó is part of a protected natural park. In addition, this cove offers calm waters and a stunning natural environment in Mallorca. And, best of all, it is one of the least saturated beaches on the island (for the moment).

Playa de Es Trenc

Known for its extensive white sandy beach and crystal-clear waters, Es Trenc beach is one of the most famous beaches in Mallorca.

Cala Agulla

Also in Mallorca, a wide beach with clear waters and white sand you will find Cala Agulla. Located in a protected natural environment, you will enjoy its crystal-clear waters with the feeling of being in the Caribbean.

Playa de Ses Illetes

Also in the Balearic Islands, but changing to the island of Formentera, you will find the beach of Ses Illetes. Famous for its white sand and crystal-clear waters, it is ideal for swimming and enjoying the sun, but you will always find people there.
Stroll along its shore, discover a unique beauty and a unique natural landscape or practice some water sports.

Cala Saladeta

And on another Spanish island, you will find Cala Saladeta. In Ibiza there are thousands of coves, but this one is small, with turquoise waters and enviable white sand, especially because it is surrounded by pine trees. It is accessible by natural trails that you will love and where you can see boats anchored in the surroundings.

Cala Pola

In the province of Girona, near Tossa de Mar, you will find a cove in the Costa Brava with a natural beauty. With coarse golden sand, crystal clear and calm waters, it is an ideal place to spend the day with family or friends.

Playa de Oyambre

Between San Vicente de la Barquera and Comillas, in Cantabria, you can find the beach of Oyambre. With two kilometers of white sand and a field of dunes, this Cantabrian landscape is unbeatable. It is also one of the ideal beaches for surfing in the Cantabrian Sea.

Have you ever wanted to visit one of the most beautiful beaches in Spain? Don't hesitate any longer and sign up for a Spanish course in Spain with donQuijote to discover these and many more beaches that make up the country.

Holidays Spain Discover the most beautiful beaches in Spain to travel this holiday season. Beaches in Barcelona, beaches in Mallorca or in Cantabria, Spain. beaches in mallorca, most beautiful beaches in spain, beautiful beaches in mallorca Off


Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 06/26/2024 - 09:15

Comparative connectors

These connectors in Spanish oversee establishing comparisons between ideas:

  • Como (As) - Es tan brillante como su hermana (She is as bright as her sister).
  • Igual que (Just like)- Baila igual que un profesional (He dances just like a professional).
  • Más que/Menos que (More than/Less than) - Es más alto que su hermano, pero su carácter es menos difícil que el de su hermana (He is taller than his brother, but his character is less difficult than his sister's).
  • Similar a (Similar to) - Su estilo musical es similar al mío (His musical style is similar to mine).

Connectors of purpose

Purpose connectors indicate the purpose or intention of an action. There are some, in this type of Spanish connectors, that can easily be substituted for others since they have the same meaning. For example: ‘con la intención de’, ‘con el objetivo de’, ‘con el propósito de’ o ‘a fin de’. 

  • Para - Estudia para ser médico (He studies to become a doctor)
  • A fin de - Hace ejercicio a fin de mejorar su salud (He exercises in order to improve his health).
  • Con la intención de - Viajó con la intención de aprender inglés (He traveled with the intention of learning English).
  • A fin de que - A fin de que entendieras, te lo expliqué (In order for you to understand, I explained it to you).
  • Para que (So that) - Lo hice para que no te preocupes (I did it so that you wouldn't worry).

Connectors to close a speech

These Spanish connectors serve to synthesize or conclude ideas in speeches, papers or in a conversation:

  • En resumen (In summary) - En resumen, fue una gran experiencia (In summary, it was a great experience).
  • En conclusión (In conclusion) - En conclusión, debemos seguir trabajando en el proyecto (In conclusion, we should continue working on the project).
  • En pocas palabras (In a nutshell) - En pocas palabras, nos aprobaron el proyecto (In a nutshell, we got the project approved).
  • Resumiendo (In summary) - Resumiendo, toda la convención fue un éxito (In summary, the whole convention was a success).
  • En definitiva (Bottom line) - En definitiva, necesitamos más recursos (Bottom line, we need more resources).


Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 06/26/2024 - 09:13

Contrast and opposition connectors

These Spanish connectors indicate opposition or contrast between ideas in the same sentence. Here are some examples:

  • Sin embargo (However) - Estudió mucho, sin embargo, no aprobó el examen teórico (He studied hard; however, he did not pass the theory exam).
  • No obstante (Nevertheless) - Es un bolso caro, no obstante, vale la pena (It's an expensive bag, nevertheless, it's worth it).
  • Aunque (Although) - Iré al parque esta tarde, aunque llueva (I will go to the park this afternoon, even if it rains).
  • Pero (But) - Es inteligente, pero no se esfuerza todo lo que podría (He's smart, but he doesn't try as hard as he could).
  • A pesar de (Despite) - A pesar del mal tiempo, salimos a correr al parque (Despite the bad weather, we go for a run in the park).
  • En cambio (On the other hand) - Ella es callada, en cambio, él es muy hablador (She is quiet, on the other hand, he is very talkative).
  • Por el contrario (On the contrary) - No quería subir al noveno piso, por el contrario, fue muy fácil hacerlo en ascensor (I didn't want to go up to the ninth floor, on the contrary, it was very easy to do it by elevator).
  • Mientras que (Whereas) - Yo prefiero el mar, mientras que mi primo prefiere la montaña (I prefer the sea, while my cousin prefers the mountain).
  • Por un lado/Por otro lado (On the one hand/On the other hand) - Por un lado, el viaje a Roma fue maravilloso. Por otro lado, fueron unos días agotadores (On the one hand, the trip to Rome was wonderful. On the other hand, it was an exhausting few days).

Cause and consequence connectors

Cause and consequence connectors in Spanish establish a relationship between two ideas or actions of cause or consequence, hence their name. Examples:

  • Porque (Because) - No fui a trabajar porque estaba enfermo (I didn't go to work because I was sick).
  • Entonces (Then) - No había asientos suficientes, entonces tuvieron que quedarse de pie (There weren't enough seats, so they had to stand).
  • Por lo tanto (Therefore) - La carretera está cortada, por lo tanto, hay que buscar otra forma de llegar a la ciudad (The road is cut off; therefore, you have to find another way to get to the city).
  • Debido a (Because of) – Debido a la lluvia, se canceló el concierto (Because of the rain, the concert was cancelled).
  • Ya que (Since) - No vino ya que estaba ocupado (He did not come as he was busy).
  • Por eso (Therefore) - Llegó tarde a la estación, por eso perdió el tren (He was late to the station, therefore he missed the train).
  • Así que (So) - Se rompió un vaso de cristal, así que tuve que recogerlo con cuidado (A crystal glass broke, so I had to pick it up carefully).
  • En consecuencia (Consequently) – El proyecto fue un éxito, en consecuencia, recibimos más financiación (The project was a success, consequently, we received more funding).

Sequence connectors

Sequence connectors indicate the order of ideas or actions in a sentence:

  • Primero (First) - Primero, desayunamos antes de empezar el viaje (First, we had breakfast before starting the trip).
  • Luego (Then) - Terminé de leer el libro, luego lo devolví a la biblioteca (I finished reading the book, then I returned it to the library).
  • Después (After) - Fui a comer al restaurante, después me fui al cine con mis amigas (I went to eat at the restaurant, then I went to the movies with my friends).
  • A continuación (Next) - A continuación, os enseñaré a cocinar una tortilla de patatas (Next, I will teach you how to cook a potato omelet).
  • Finalmente (Finally) - Finalmente, regresamos a casa tras un largo fin de semana (Finally, we came home after a long weekend).
  • En primer lugar/En segundo lugar (Firstly/Secondly) - En primer lugar, quiero agradecerles su apoyo. En segundo lugar, discutiremos el presupuesto (First of all, I want to thank you for your support. Secondly, we will discuss the budget).


Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 06/26/2024 - 09:09

Do you need to expand your vocabulary because you always use the same Spanish connectors? In essays, homeworks or talking to friends, if you always use the same connector to link all your sentences, in this donQuijote article you will find a complete list of Spanish connectors, so you'll have a choice and don't repeat the same one all the time.

Whether you must write a letter, a class assignment or when talking to your friends, find the Spanish connector that best suits each situation in this list. Expanding your vocabulary will improve the way you communicate, both written and spoken, and make you sound like a native Spanish speaker.

You can continue reading in English or read this article in Spanish while improve and learn Spanish with donQuijote.

What is a Spanish connector?

Connectors in Spanish, or in any other language, are words that have the function of joining sentences or paragraphs in a text to give it coherence and cohesion. In this way, connectors help to organize ideas and facilitate their comprehension.

There are different types of connectors, depending on the relationship they establish with the ideas in the speech or text. The most used connectors in Spanish are: ‘y’, ‘porque’, ‘pero’, ‘para’, ‘o’, ‘también’, ‘sí’, ‘además’.

Although these are the most common connectors, each one belongs to a different type, among them you can find: addition connectors, contrast connectors, cause and effect connectors, sequence connectors, comparison connectors, purpose connectors and summary connectors.

Below, you are going to learn the different types of connectors in Spanish that exist and some examples that will help you understand how to use them. Keep reading so you don't miss anything!

Addition connectors

Addition connectors add information to the above; they connect ideas or elements and add information.

  • Además (In addition/Plus) - Tengo que ir a la compra, además me gustaría acercarme al gimnasio (I must go shopping, plus I would like to go to the gym).
  • También (Also) - Estudia francés y también alemán (He studies French and also German).
  • Incluso (Even) - Todos vinieron, incluso los que no confirmaron asistencia a la fiesta (Everyone came, even those who did not RSVP to the party).
  • Asimismo (Also) - El proyecto es viable, asimismo, hay que planteárselo bien a tu jefe (The project is feasible, also, you have to raise it well with your boss).
  • Y (And) - Compré pan y leche en el supermercado (I bought bread and milk at the supermarket).
  • Más (More) - Necesito comprar más frutas y verduras para esta semana (I need to buy more fruits and vegetables for this week).
  • Del mismo modo (Likewise) - Los resultados fueron positivos, del mismo modo, los participantes opinaron favorablemente (The results were positive, likewise, the participants were positive).

Spanish connecting words. Spanish connectors | donQuijote

Submitted by analitica2 on Wed, 06/26/2024 - 09:04
Spanish connecting words Learn the Spanish connectors in this article, expand your knowledge with this complete list of Spanish connecting words and the types that exist. spanish connecting words

Do you need to expand your vocabulary because you always use the same Spanish connectors? In essays, homeworks or talking to friends, if you always use the same connector to link all your sentences, in this donQuijote article you will find a complete list of Spanish connectors, so you'll have a choice and don't repeat the same one all the time.

Whether you must write a letter, a class assignment or when talking to your friends, find the Spanish connector that best suits each situation in this list. Expanding your vocabulary will improve the way you communicate, both written and spoken, and make you sound like a native Spanish speaker.

You can continue reading in English or read this article in Spanish while improve and learn Spanish with donQuijote.

What is a Spanish connector?

Connectors in Spanish, or in any other language, are words that have the function of joining sentences or paragraphs in a text to give it coherence and cohesion. In this way, connectors help to organize ideas and facilitate their comprehension.

There are different types of connectors, depending on the relationship they establish with the ideas in the speech or text. The most used connectors in Spanish are: ‘y’, ‘porque’, ‘pero’, ‘para’, ‘o’, ‘también’, ‘sí’, ‘además’.

Although these are the most common connectors, each one belongs to a different type, among them you can find: addition connectors, contrast connectors, cause and effect connectors, sequence connectors, comparison connectors, purpose connectors and summary connectors.

Below, you are going to learn the different types of connectors in Spanish that exist and some examples that will help you understand how to use them. Keep reading so you don't miss anything!

Addition connectors

Addition connectors add information to the above; they connect ideas or elements and add information.

  • Además (In addition/Plus) - Tengo que ir a la compra, además me gustaría acercarme al gimnasio (I must go shopping, plus I would like to go to the gym).
  • También (Also) - Estudia francés y también alemán (He studies French and also German).
  • Incluso (Even) - Todos vinieron, incluso los que no confirmaron asistencia a la fiesta (Everyone came, even those who did not RSVP to the party).
  • Asimismo (Also) - El proyecto es viable, asimismo, hay que planteárselo bien a tu jefe (The project is feasible, also, you have to raise it well with your boss).
  • Y (And) - Compré pan y leche en el supermercado (I bought bread and milk at the supermarket).
  • Más (More) - Necesito comprar más frutas y verduras para esta semana (I need to buy more fruits and vegetables for this week).
  • Del mismo modo (Likewise) - Los resultados fueron positivos, del mismo modo, los participantes opinaron favorablemente (The results were positive, likewise, the participants were positive).

Contrast and opposition connectors

These Spanish connectors indicate opposition or contrast between ideas in the same sentence. Here are some examples:

  • Sin embargo (However) - Estudió mucho, sin embargo, no aprobó el examen teórico (He studied hard; however, he did not pass the theory exam).
  • No obstante (Nevertheless) - Es un bolso caro, no obstante, vale la pena (It's an expensive bag, nevertheless, it's worth it).
  • Aunque (Although) - Iré al parque esta tarde, aunque llueva (I will go to the park this afternoon, even if it rains).
  • Pero (But) - Es inteligente, pero no se esfuerza todo lo que podría (He's smart, but he doesn't try as hard as he could).
  • A pesar de (Despite) - A pesar del mal tiempo, salimos a correr al parque (Despite the bad weather, we go for a run in the park).
  • En cambio (On the other hand) - Ella es callada, en cambio, él es muy hablador (She is quiet, on the other hand, he is very talkative).
  • Por el contrario (On the contrary) - No quería subir al noveno piso, por el contrario, fue muy fácil hacerlo en ascensor (I didn't want to go up to the ninth floor, on the contrary, it was very easy to do it by elevator).
  • Mientras que (Whereas) - Yo prefiero el mar, mientras que mi primo prefiere la montaña (I prefer the sea, while my cousin prefers the mountain).
  • Por un lado/Por otro lado (On the one hand/On the other hand) - Por un lado, el viaje a Roma fue maravilloso. Por otro lado, fueron unos días agotadores (On the one hand, the trip to Rome was wonderful. On the other hand, it was an exhausting few days).

Cause and consequence connectors

Cause and consequence connectors in Spanish establish a relationship between two ideas or actions of cause or consequence, hence their name. Examples:

  • Porque (Because) - No fui a trabajar porque estaba enfermo (I didn't go to work because I was sick).
  • Entonces (Then) - No había asientos suficientes, entonces tuvieron que quedarse de pie (There weren't enough seats, so they had to stand).
  • Por lo tanto (Therefore) - La carretera está cortada, por lo tanto, hay que buscar otra forma de llegar a la ciudad (The road is cut off; therefore, you have to find another way to get to the city).
  • Debido a (Because of) – Debido a la lluvia, se canceló el concierto (Because of the rain, the concert was cancelled).
  • Ya que (Since) - No vino ya que estaba ocupado (He did not come as he was busy).
  • Por eso (Therefore) - Llegó tarde a la estación, por eso perdió el tren (He was late to the station, therefore he missed the train).
  • Así que (So) - Se rompió un vaso de cristal, así que tuve que recogerlo con cuidado (A crystal glass broke, so I had to pick it up carefully).
  • En consecuencia (Consequently) – El proyecto fue un éxito, en consecuencia, recibimos más financiación (The project was a success, consequently, we received more funding).

Sequence connectors

Sequence connectors indicate the order of ideas or actions in a sentence:

  • Primero (First) - Primero, desayunamos antes de empezar el viaje (First, we had breakfast before starting the trip).
  • Luego (Then) - Terminé de leer el libro, luego lo devolví a la biblioteca (I finished reading the book, then I returned it to the library).
  • Después (After) - Fui a comer al restaurante, después me fui al cine con mis amigas (I went to eat at the restaurant, then I went to the movies with my friends).
  • A continuación (Next) - A continuación, os enseñaré a cocinar una tortilla de patatas (Next, I will teach you how to cook a potato omelet).
  • Finalmente (Finally) - Finalmente, regresamos a casa tras un largo fin de semana (Finally, we came home after a long weekend).
  • En primer lugar/En segundo lugar (Firstly/Secondly) - En primer lugar, quiero agradecerles su apoyo. En segundo lugar, discutiremos el presupuesto (First of all, I want to thank you for your support. Secondly, we will discuss the budget).

Comparative connectors

These connectors in Spanish oversee establishing comparisons between ideas:

  • Como (As) - Es tan brillante como su hermana (She is as bright as her sister).
  • Igual que (Just like)- Baila igual que un profesional (He dances just like a professional).
  • Más que/Menos que (More than/Less than) - Es más alto que su hermano, pero su carácter es menos difícil que el de su hermana (He is taller than his brother, but his character is less difficult than his sister's).
  • Similar a (Similar to) - Su estilo musical es similar al mío (His musical style is similar to mine).

Connectors of purpose

Purpose connectors indicate the purpose or intention of an action. There are some, in this type of Spanish connectors, that can easily be substituted for others since they have the same meaning. For example: ‘con la intención de’, ‘con el objetivo de’, ‘con el propósito de’ o ‘a fin de’. 

  • Para - Estudia para ser médico (He studies to become a doctor)
  • A fin de - Hace ejercicio a fin de mejorar su salud (He exercises in order to improve his health).
  • Con la intención de - Viajó con la intención de aprender inglés (He traveled with the intention of learning English).
  • A fin de que - A fin de que entendieras, te lo expliqué (In order for you to understand, I explained it to you).
  • Para que (So that) - Lo hice para que no te preocupes (I did it so that you wouldn't worry).

Connectors to close a speech

These Spanish connectors serve to synthesize or conclude ideas in speeches, papers or in a conversation:

  • En resumen (In summary) - En resumen, fue una gran experiencia (In summary, it was a great experience).
  • En conclusión (In conclusion) - En conclusión, debemos seguir trabajando en el proyecto (In conclusion, we should continue working on the project).
  • En pocas palabras (In a nutshell) - En pocas palabras, nos aprobaron el proyecto (In a nutshell, we got the project approved).
  • Resumiendo (In summary) - Resumiendo, toda la convención fue un éxito (In summary, the whole convention was a success).
  • En definitiva (Bottom line) - En definitiva, necesitamos más recursos (Bottom line, we need more resources).
Grammar Learn the Spanish connectors in this article, expand your knowledge with this complete list of Spanish connecting words and the types that exist. spanish connecting words, spanish connectors, connecting spanish words, list of spanish connectors Off Marta Díaz
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